英语翻译 I hope you can have a good time here.This may be an unforgettable discussion,we can learn lots of knowledge of each other,I am also very think of you,if you have time I sure will.I hope this card can.英语翻译 综述与研究方向英语翻译 1.I have a round face.I don't have a round face.2.She has long hair.She don't have long hair.3.Kangkang has black eyes.Kangkang don't have black eyes.4.They have long necks.They don't have long necks.英语翻译 go on 是可以理解为继续干什么.比如说你在听甲说话,乙过来问你个问题打断了甲的话,回应乙的问题后你转回来就会跟甲说go on表示请他继续的意思.在I went on an excursion recently这里,go和on不是组在一起的,go是指去(动词),而on是跟excursion的固定搭配,因此翻译为我最近去了个短程旅行.再举个例子,I went on a bus,同理go是个动词,而on和bus是固定搭配,因此翻译为我上了公交车,而不是我‘继续’公交车这句话用英语怎么翻译 A foreign professor says\"welcome he came to our school to study\",\"welcome\"he came to our school英语翻译 I am sure he will come to join party.I am sure he will come to the party英语翻译 1.I am sure that the teacher will be satisfied with Xiaohong's article2.Many books and magazines provide us mental nourishment3.As we know,smoking does damage to our health4.We regard our monitor as the best student in our class5.The development of the modern technology brings about a huge change of our society6.You will never learn well without speaking it.7.He broke the windows of neighbour house,which made his parents angry.8.He did not read one book but five that term.9.His parents are worry about whether he can be accepted by the college10.We will visit that museum before long11.Though it is hard,we will carry on our plan12.According to the report,two thirds of this country is short of water修改好啦~
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