我们两个互相关心英语怎么说 我们能互相帮助吗? 英语翻译


英语翻译 1.She realized that she should have been cared about her friends.2.however,most of the time,the people who come from the two countries have no difficulty in understanding with each other.3.Having good table manners means to know about how to use the knife and fork and when begin to toast.4.We will not let our history and culture been destroyed,meanwhile,we will do our best to do everything to save our cities.

我们两个互相关心英语怎么说 我们能互相帮助吗? 英语翻译


我们两个互相关心英语怎么说 我们能互相帮助吗? 英语翻译

英语翻译 2012里的这句台词,我也非常喜欢.看到了你这道题目,我又去听了一次.还好里面的单词比较通俗,难不倒我.电影的里的原话是这样的:we make our difficult decisions to save our human civilization,but to be human,means to care for each other.civilization means we work together to create better life.that is true,there is nothing human,nothing civilized about we do there.跟电影里面的一摸一样,你去听下,耳朵好累啊.

我们两个互相关心英语怎么说 我们能互相帮助吗? 英语翻译

英语翻译 这套房子足够大,够他们住的了.This house is big enough for them to live.我知道有时我们很吵闹,但我们也相互学会了很多东西.I know we are making noise sometimes,but we could learn many things from each other.去年夏天,我有一次到本地医院当志愿者的机会.Last summer,I had an opportunity to be in a local hospital.我应该被允许为自己做决定.I should be allowed to make my own decision.对我来说这将是一件有益的经历.To me this is an experience of great value.在那个年纪他们不够严肃.They are not so serious at that age.我知道我父母关心我.I know well that my parents care about me a lot.爱好有时候会妨碍学习.Hobby sometimes takes away your time to study.只有在那时我才有机会实现我的梦想.I could realize my dreams only at that time.目前,他们正在海南度假.They are now vacationing in Hainan.

我们能互相帮助吗? 英语翻译 Can we help each other?请给好评谢谢

英语翻译 I wish to have a nice family in which my lover and I keep in love each other with a tolerant heart;understand the other's perspective and give helps;encourage the other to move forward,finally enjoy every last moment of our lives hand in hand.I like you as you take the work seriously.Plus,you take the responsibility for the family and society positively,which attract me in a great deal.Dad went there in earlier time,he said that he really in to the people there because they are smart,warm and polite.

