巴勃罗 聂鲁达 黄昏 英文版 巴勃罗聂鲁达英文版


谁给我巴勃罗·聂鲁达的诗,附加英文版! 假如你将我忘却—巴勃罗·聂鲁达(If You Forget Me—Pablo Neruda)我要你明白(I want you to know)一件事情。(one thing.)你明白出现下面现象的原委:(You know how this is:)如果我凝眸(if I look)窗口晚秋中的(at the crystal moon,at the red branch)那轮水晶皓月,那根红色枝丫,(of the slow autumn at my window,)如果我轻触(if I touch)炉火旁(near the fire)那细得难以觉察的灰烬(the impalpable ash)拟或那皱皱巴巴的干木,(or the wrinkled body of the log,)样样桩桩都会让我对你心驰神往,(everything carries me to you,)仿佛世间的万事万物,(as if everything that exists,)芳香、光亮、金属,(aromas,light,metals,)都成了一艘艘(were little boats)驶向(that sail)你那盼着我到访的岛屿。(toward those isles of yours that wait for me.)好了,听着,(Well,now,)假如你对我爱意日减(if little by little you stop loving me)那么我对你将爱意日淡。(I shall stop loving you little by little.)假如你突然(If suddenly)将我忘记(you forget me)就别把我寻觅(do not look for 。

巴勃罗 聂鲁达 黄昏 英文版 巴勃罗聂鲁达英文版

巴勃罗聂鲁达读音? 巴勃罗聂鲁达bā bó luó niè lǔ dá 巴勃罗·聂鲁达,智利当代著名诗人。13岁开始发表诗作,1923年发表第一部诗集《黄昏》,1924年发表成名作《二十首情诗和一支绝望的歌》,自此登上智利诗坛。他的诗歌既继承西班牙民族诗歌的传统,又接受了波德莱尔等法国现代派诗歌的影响;既吸收了智利民族诗歌特点,又从沃尔特·惠特曼的创作中找到了自己最倾心的形式。聂鲁达的一生有两个主题,一个是政治,另一个是爱情。他早期的爱情诗集《二十首情诗和一首绝望的歌》被认为是他最著名的作品之一。

巴勃罗 聂鲁达 黄昏 英文版 巴勃罗聂鲁达英文版

巴勃罗 聂鲁达 黄昏 英文版 全部不可能啦,有版权的。不过我有部分的: Sourced Quién escribe tu nombre con letras de humo entre las estrellas del sur?Ah déjame recordarte cómo eras 。

巴勃罗 聂鲁达 黄昏 英文版 巴勃罗聂鲁达英文版

求巴勃罗 聂鲁达的一首诗,英文版 中文意思大概是这样的:我们甚至遗失了暮色没有人看见我们今晚手牵手而蓝色的夜落在世上我从窗口看到远处山巅日落的盛会有时一片太阳像。

谁给我巴勃罗·聂鲁达的诗,附加英文版。 If You Forget MePablo Neruda 巴勃罗·聂鲁达 假如你将我忘却覃学岚 译 I want you to knowone thing.You know how this is:if I look at the crystal moon,at the red branch of the slow autumn at my window.

谁给我巴勃罗·聂鲁达的诗,附加英文版! If You Forget MePablo Neruda 巴勃罗·聂鲁达假如你将我忘却覃学岚 译I want you to knowone thing.You know how this is:if I lookat the crystal moon,at the red branchof the slow autumn at my window,if I touchnear the firethe impalpable ashor the wrinkled body of the log,everything carries me to you,as if everything that exists,aromas,light,metals,were little boatsthat sailtoward those isles of yours that wait for me.Well,now,if little by little you stop loving meI shall stop loving you little by little.If suddenlyyou forget medo not look for me,for I shall already have forgotten you.If you think it long and mad,the wind of bannersthat passes through my life,and you decideto leave me at the shoreof the heart where I have roots,rememberthat on that day,at that hour,I shall lift my armsand my roots will set offto seek another land.Butif each day,each hour,you feel that you are destined for mewith implacable sweetness,if each day a flower。

求巴勃罗 聂鲁达的一首诗,英文版 We Have Lost EvenPablo NerudaWe have lost even this twilight.No one saw us this evening hand in hand,While the blue night dropped on the world.I have seen from my windowThe fiesta of sunset in the distant mountain tops.Sometimes a piece of sunBurned like a coin between my hands.I remembered you with my soul clenchedIn that sadness of mine that you know.Where were you then?Who else was there?Saying what?Why will the whole of love come on me suddenlyWhen I am sad and feel you are far away?The book fell that is always turned to at twilightAnd my cape rolled like a hurt dog at my feet.Always,always you recede through the eveningsTowards where the twilight goes erasing statues.

谁给我巴勃罗·聂鲁达的诗,附加英文版! 巴勃罗·聂鲁达(有八首英文诗,网址见图片哦)Poems by Pablo NerudaStill Another Day:IThe Book of Questions,IIICurseLove For This BookNothing But DeathStill Another Day:XVII/MenThe Song of DespairUnity

