对于北京的印象 英文 1.How do you like Beijing?是说“你对北京印象如何”吗?2.翻译一下“我通常只有周末的时候才会上网,因为平常很少有时间.”要用more often than not


英语翻译 在我们的印象里,北京的天气总是很干燥要用到 impress sb

细腻的感受更好。需要准确的词表达对北京的印象,名词动词形容词什么的都行。急啊 眼花缭乱 高楼林立 雕梁画栋,盘龙飞凤 富丽堂皇 雍容华贵 名校簇拥 人才倍出 浑然一体,交相辉映;

求一篇英语文章 关于北京的印象。 Beijing\"means\"Northern Capital\",in line with the common East Asian tradition whereby capital cities are explicitly named as such.Other cities that are similarly。

你对北京的什么地方印象最深刻 怎么说用英文 which part of Beijing impressed you the most?

请帮忙用英文写这两句话 Can you share your thoughts with me about your holiday and your impression of Beijing?

你对北京的什么地方印象最深刻 怎么说用英文

1.How do you like Beijing?是说“你对北京印象如何”吗?2.翻译一下“我通常只有周末的时候才会上网,因为平常很少有时间.”要用more often than not

英语翻译:北京的什么事你印象最深? what's the most impressive thing in beijing?

英语翻译 1.We ran out of oil on our way to Beijing yesterday.2.The news/notification of his death spread quickly through out the village.3.Our new teacher left us with a deep impression on the first day of school.

