我爸爸在肇庆工作英文 我爸爸在肇庆工作My father works in Zhaoqing.英语翻译我的家乡肇庆(ZHAOQING)是我的家乡,一个我生我育我的美丽城市,她位于广东省的西部.紧靠西江的河边(XIJIANG RIVER).这里生活悠闲,空气清新.比起很多繁荣的大城市来说,肇庆没有那 英语翻译 3,Zhaoqing City deepening social insurance reform,development ideas and Countermeasures(1)strengthen leadership,The city created a new situation in reform of social insurance.(2)expand the coverage,and gradually promote and improve the social insurance system.(3)strengthen the management is actively pursue and strengthen the collection of social insurance fund.(4)increase capital investment to accelerate social insurance information network construction.(5)Increase publicity efforts to deepen reform of the system of social insurance to provide a good external environment.(6)Strengthen management,and constantly improve the level of social services.英语翻译 My hometownZhaoqing is my hometown,it's the city in which I was born and grew up.She is located in the western part of Guangxi Province,next to the Xijiang River.People are enjoying an easy life and.
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