我高三了,接下来英语什么最重要?怎样学习英语?有经验的大哥大姐来帮帮!! 下来把我能接住你的英文


英语翻译 1、A team of footballers went abroad to play a game.One day they were wandering in the street during their free time when suddenly an infant fell down from the tenth floor.The goalkeeper just instinct.

我高三了,接下来英语什么最重要?怎样学习英语?有经验的大哥大姐来帮帮!! 下来把我能接住你的英文

接下来我该干什么?英语翻译有好评 what should I do next 如果能帮到你,请好评一个,谢谢

我高三了,接下来英语什么最重要?怎样学习英语?有经验的大哥大姐来帮帮!! 下来把我能接住你的英文

谁能把我把它翻译成英文 哈尔滨四日游 那天,我和妈妈乘.. 上了飞机来到了哈尔滨旅游。不久,我们 Four day tour of Harbin.That day,my mother and I take.on the plane to Harbin tourism.Soon,we checked into a hotel.The second day early in the morning,our motorcycle will wind quickly to the top of the hill.At the top of the hill,we play with the snowman the next day,we came to the world class Yabuli mountain skiing there,we take a cable car came to the mountainside,skis from hill to hill。The last day,we went to the\"ice world\"there see ice.Eyes very good-looking。Finally we went back to my hometown-hefei.

我高三了,接下来英语什么最重要?怎样学习英语?有经验的大哥大姐来帮帮!! 下来把我能接住你的英文

然后这个英文是几个意思??我接下来需要干嘛?? 然後填資料填到他說此郵箱已註冊 你就可以直接登入 然後按 重發認證信

英语翻译 Harbin four day tour of the day,my mother and I take.on the plane to Harbin tourism.Soon,we checked into a hotel.The second day early in the morning,our motorcycle will wind quickly to the top of the hill.At the top of the hill,we play with the snowman the next day,we came to the world class Yabuli mountain skiing there,we take a cable car came to the mountainside,skis from hill to hill。The last day,we went to the\"ice world\"there see ice.Eyes very good-looking。Finally we went back to my hometown-hefei.


英语翻译 A:你看了最新的电影吗?Have you watched the newest movie?B:还没Not yet.A:看。那是什么?Look。What is that?B:是一只鸟。看上去受了伤It's a bird。Looks like it's been wounded(或 hurt).A:它要掉下来了。It's goi.

想知道她是怎么看我的,接下来我能怎么办?她是一个英语培训机构的英语老师,她们中心在一个商场,有一次 生气嫉妒说明在意你,看到你和其他女孩在一起心情肯定不会很好,如果再有类似的派对可以请他陪你一起参加,如果她不去你也不去,做出一个很在意她的态度,如果你真的喜欢她就要大胆的追求,给她表白,男人要勇敢点,不要怕掉面子,如果真喜欢,一次不行就再来一次,让她感受到你的真诚

我高三了,接下来英语什么最重要?怎样学习英语?有经验的大哥大姐来帮帮!! 我的建议是跟住老师的复习进度,把自己的基础打牢,其他的就是积累了,遇到陌生的词组就记下来,什么不会学什么。如果基础还可以的话,有空余的时间可以自己多学一些,多学。


