英语翻译 Diving:Azure water,beautiful coral reefs,with a good climate throughout the year so that Cebu bec
是一个不可多得的人才.的翻译是:什么意思 翻译成英文是It's a great talent 下图是翻译截图
求下列几段中文译英文 DouSuTang in general in soybean powder,flour,sugar,flour,mainly in beige.Very sweet,rich texture and is somewhat sticky,instant entrance.People used to use it as a rare gift visiting relatives and friends.?rice cake is the traditional food of ningbo,white.Made of rice flour,rich texture,often with vegetables or crab collocation are together,delicious.Ningbo people often make this kind of food during Chinese New Year,to celebrate the New Year.
这正是一次中国向世界展示自己的不可多得的好机会用英语怎么翻译? It is a rare chance for china to show herself to the world.
英语 翻译 xxx是一个不可多得的机会 XXX is once in a blue moon. blue moon,固定用语,请查阅词典。
英语翻译 Each flower has its own beauty and its own reason for it.When one flower meets another one by chance
求助、英语日记啊啊啊~ 1.To me,there is no doubt that she is a very good,hard to find friend.2.After vacation started,I finally had chance to explain things to her.3.Then,our relationship was back as good as before.
英语翻译 The establishment of china-asean free trade area,brings huge impact to the export of China agricultu
有哪些易读的英文著作? 不管英语水平如何,作为阅读的第一本英文原版书,强烈不建议阅读 1.系列的流行文学作品,如《哈利…
英语翻译 Papaya(Carica papaya l.)is a tropical,subtropical areas of the perennial widely cultivated fruit trees,also known as\"WanShouGuo\"papaya nutritional value high,has the very good diet and medicinal value,is rare in the fruit,vegetables,medicinal and best with fruit.Papaya already processed into all kinds of edible processed products,cosmetics and skincare products,medical and industrial supplies,etc.;Papaya curd protease widely used in food industry,medicine,the leather making,the beauty products,etc.Therefore,as a kind of health papaya fruit,has been and domestic scientists and planting and processing the attention of entrepreneurs.
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