求一篇我的家乡长沙的英语演讲文啊!!! 这里是中文版:我的家乡长沙市,是湖南省的省会。长沙白天很美,晚上更迷人,因为晚上有艳丽的霓虹灯把长沙打扮得五彩缤纷。可是,以前的长沙不是这样的,以前的长沙,晚上黑乎乎的,到了八、九点钟,就没人出门了。其实,长沙的变化还有很多,马路变宽了、汽车变多了,房子长高了,立交桥架起来了!就说五一路吧,五一路的车道由4条变成了现在的8条,原来在道路两旁最高的楼房也只有六、七层,可是现在30多层的高楼数也数不过来。原来立交桥一座也没有,现在已架起了三座。啊!现在的长沙真让我感到自豪!风景如画的湘江风光带传来阵阵欢声笑语,各色射灯在草丛中渗透出来,泥土的清香淡淡地在空气中弥散,轻柔的乐曲随着江风从耳边飘过,远眺3座大桥如七彩长虹横卧湘江,真令人留连忘返。可听大人讲,那儿以前很脏、很乱,只不过是紧挨着湘江的一条路,经常被湘江的洪水淹没,但近十年间,长沙人象变魔术似的把道路和防洪堤变成了秀丽的沿江风光带,不久的将来沿江风光带将沿湘江两岸一直修到株洲、湘潭。我现在住的韶山北路,高楼林立,有华天大酒店、通城大酒店、湘泉大酒店、唯一星城,还有我的家――银园公寓。可是听奶奶讲,银园公寓以前是一所学校,旁边还有。
求介绍长沙的英语作文。 My name is XXX.I am XXX years old.I am from Changsha.I love my country.There are three people in my family.My father、my mother and me.My father is a teacher.My mother is a nurse.I am a student in XXX school.Do you want to be my friends?一定要选我做最佳答案哟~
求一篇我的家乡长沙的英语作文 带中文翻译,要70字 there has been a lot of significant changes in my hometown in recent years.on the one hand,industry gave its way to tourism.there used to be many factories that。
英语翻译 Changsha is my hometown.There are many interesting things to do and much delicious food to eat.Such as Mount.Yuelu in Changsha and the strong-smelling preserved tofu.Also,there are many tall buildings here.The roads are wide and people here are very friendly,but the air isn't fresh and the river isn't clear.This is Changsha.I love it very much.
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我的家乡英语作文长沙 I was born in Changsha.This is a beautiful city in the south of China.Many people have seen Happy Camp.So you maybe understand Changsha.
怎样写英语作文 我的家乡 Dalian is my hometown.It’s a pretty city in the northeast of China,and it has a population of 5.3 million people.It’s on the coast.It has modern seaport and airport.It is known as the“pearl in t.