英语翻译 他早上7点看电视早间新闻的英文


英语翻译 The children had breakfast at half past seven this morning.I think of thisquestion,I will think about it.He is poor in study,but good at singing.

英语翻译 他早上7点看电视早间新闻的英文

现在是早上7点用英文怎么说 It's seven o'clock in the morning now.

英语翻译 他早上7点看电视早间新闻的英文

翻译一下?从中文翻译到英文 I get up at half pass six,eat breadfast at seven,do my homework at ten,eat lunch at eleven.free arrange in the afternoon,eat supper at eighteen pass six,get to 。

英语翻译 他早上7点看电视早间新闻的英文

他每天早晨7点起床已成为习惯英语怎么说 It is a habit for him to get up at seven every morning.

英语翻译 1.John has breakfast at 7 o'clock every morning.Now he isn't having breakfast.2.I am standing between my father and mother.3.We are working hard now.4.All the children are listening to the teacher.5.Mary is following the shopkeeper into the shop/store.6.Write the new words.7.Who is going to wash the dishes?You please.8.Jane is going to wait for the bus at the next bus stop.9.I'm going to carry some water because we are going to plant trees.10.I'm going to sit by the river bank for a while

英语翻译 Father,a soldier who is released from the military service will read newspaper after he gets up at six.I am admitted to a key military academy outside my province as he expected.The train was going.

英语翻译 你放学后可以看电视吗?can you watch TV after school?他非得走吗?Does he have to go?我每天早上必须七点起床.I must get up at 7 o 'clock every morning.吉尔每个星期六都去看望她的朋友.Jill goes to visit her friends every Saturday.他必须在晚饭后练习画画.He has to practise drawing after dinner.

英语翻译 Todos los d铆as me levanto a las 7 de la ma帽ana,desayuno y voy a asistir las clases,por la tarde cuando no hay clases generalmente voy a jugar al baloncesto o quedarme en el dormitorio para nav.

