用英语翻译在机器人的帮助下,人们将会有更多的空闲时间 People will have free time with the help of robort.英语翻译 With the development of society,people have and free time,some people will choose to make good use of the time to do some exercises,but there are also a lot of people just want to stay at home and spend a lot of time watching TV.They lie on the comfortable sofa,take the controller with one hand,take snacks especially potato chips with the other hand.They are very lazy without doing sports,as the time goes,they become fat and round just like potatoes,so we call this kind of person the couch potato visually.临下班无聊时间,英语好的答。 with the development of science,we can do all the things effectively,that means we do the same thing in the future just cost half of the time we spend in nowadays.英语翻译 what would The future life be like?Maybe people will fly into space,my vacation on the moon.Scientists will to the seabed.Our home will have robots.Women don't do housework,they will have f.人们不知道该怎么安排自己的空闲时间英语怎么翻译 People don't know how to arrange their free time.将来人们会有更多的空闲时间英语是什么 In the future,people will have free time. 新闻 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 明医 英文 问问 更多? 我要提问 。? 2020SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号英语翻译 every familywill be,infree timewith computers希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O有不明白的请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*_^)在机器人的帮助下,人们将会有更多的空闲时间.(英文) With the help of robots,people will have free time.在机器人的帮助下,人们将会有更多的空闲时间你认为人们在将来将会有较多空闲时间吗。这句话用英语怎么说? Do you think people will have spare time in the future?
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