“永恒的记忆”用英文该怎么说? 目标产物用英语怎么说


目标用英语怎么说 aimvt.目的在于;引导;把…对准vi.打算;对准目标;瞄准n.目的;目标;对准短语aim of 致力于;瞄准;旨在Ability aim 能力目标aim for 力争;瞄准;针对;目的在于;使针对;使旨在;致力于;把…用于(at):例句:The visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries.这次访问旨在加强两国间的关系。to aim a satire at snobbery使讽刺针对势利

“永恒的记忆”用英文该怎么说? 目标产物用英语怎么说

英语翻译 Enterprise's internal control system is the inevitable outcome of the business enterprise management modernization,strengthen internal control system is to establish a modern enterprise system constru.

“永恒的记忆”用英文该怎么说? 目标产物用英语怎么说


“永恒的记忆”用英文该怎么说? 目标产物用英语怎么说


“永恒的记忆”用英文该怎么说?Eternal memory-这个比较地道 forever memory-这个是比较书面语言=

您为孩子确立的英语学习最终目标是什么? 谢谢悟空邀请!学英语十几年,再加上用英语十几年,说实话,英语的最终目标是什么,在遇到这个问题之前,我还没有好好想过。我女儿五岁半,从她六个月时就开始在做英语启蒙,读英文绘本,看英文动画片,有时候和她用英语对话。现在她的英语水平,虽然比不上有的小孩能流利地交流,但是基础词汇、发音及英语的学习能力,都好过很多同龄的孩子。我想,学习英语的最终目标,应该是有以下三点:1、了解世界大不同中国五千年的文化,博大精深,光靠语文这一门课,是无法为我们解释清楚展示完全的。英语为我们打开了世界的大门,也让我们从另外的视角,来看待中国文化。中国传统文化让我们要礼、义、仁、智、信,英语让我们也要考虑自己的需要,个人很重要;学英语让我们知道热情奔放的西方文化,和含蓄的东方文化,有那么多的碰撞;学英语让我们了解,世界的大好河山,历史文明,是多少代人共同建造的。世界大而不同,文化多元性,价值观多元性,让我们在判断一件事时,更客观。2、树立正确的三观如果你读过毛姆的《月亮与六便士》,你会了解到,现实和理想,哪一个更真实;如果你看过《巴黎圣母院》舞台剧,你会看到什么是真善美;如果你看过电影《七宗罪》,你会感叹,人性的。

“人山人海”用英文怎么说? huge crowds of people

英语翻译 With the deepening of economic globalization,the rapid development of the Internet,increasingly competitive market,survival and development of enterprises facing severe challenges.Event marketing as an inevitable product of the information explosion era,from the beginning of 20th century the majority of development,at present in China have been at the stage of rapid development,because it embodies the essence of the wide range of traditional marketing means,while also reducing the cost of publicity,has begun attracted the attention of enterprises,especially small and medium enterprises in China.A growing number of enterprises using the power of event marketing to expand awareness,at the same time to enhance and maintain brand image.However,due to the lack of a solid theoretical foundation and in-depth study on the actual combat operations,in the implementation process,often is not satisfactory.Therefore,there is a need of the essential features of event marketing,implementation process。

问一句经典英文翻译。 这是米兰达(MIRANDA WARNING)警告 You have the right to remain silent.Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

零基础可以学好英语吗? 背单词可快可慢,各有所长,亦有所短。不过细嚼慢咽的方法我们多数人中学以来已操练多时,可谓轻车熟路。相比之下,要在短时间内记住大量的单词就更需要一点技巧。主要就是。


