机器翻译的流程(原理)是怎么样的? 翻译机器


机器翻译 nameplate of equipment andname:xxtype:xxxfunction:mainly for the mensuration of xxxe.g.:1 For the mensuration of the resistance to heat and moisture of materials and products2 For the analysis and mensuration of heavy metal content in materials and products3 For plastic modification and granulation纯手工翻译。祝楼主进步!要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!

机器翻译的流程(原理)是怎么样的? 翻译机器

翻译 翻译 英文 不要机器 抱歉因为我的失误给你带来困扰.请重新查收附件发票和箱单。我将AA和BB的订单重新整理了.请注意查收.如果你还有什么问题,请随时和我联系.Sorry to have brought you worries due to my error.Please recheck and accept copies of the invoice and packing list.I have sorted out AA's and BB's orders again,please take note to check and accept.If you still have any questions or problems,please contact me at anytime.如果答案对亲有所帮助请采纳予以鼓励。如果有疑问可以追问

机器翻译的流程(原理)是怎么样的? 翻译机器

机器翻译的流程(原理)是怎么样的? 本题已收录至知乎圆桌:机器之能 X 语言之美,更多「人工智能」相关话题欢迎关注讨论。前一阵看了微软的…

机器翻译的流程(原理)是怎么样的? 翻译机器

英语翻译,不要机器翻译,要人工翻译,机器翻译一律不采纳 She looks same as me,but there is something different.We are both thin,but Tina is thinner than me.Tina is taller,outgoing than me,and she studies harder than me.Both of us have black eyes and hairs.And we both like sports programs.However,i prefer watching soup opera while she loves watching talk show beceuse she has a dream to be a TV reporter one day.Although there is something different between us,we are good friends.

英语翻译,不要机器翻译,要人工翻译,机器翻译一律不采纳! 谢谢! Computer science is the most popular,and many students like it.Music and sports are the most simple,and students don't have to be too serious.History and art are the most interesting,and make students happy.Literature and are the most boring,and many students don't like them.Physics and mathematics are the most difficult,and many students couldn't figure them out.


关于机器翻译. 当看到机器翻出来的东西.我的第一感觉到不是恨之入骨,而是很好笑。一篇好好的文章被翻的乱七八糟的,底下的竟然还有说\"对,我翻译出来的和他一样\"这样的答案.简直就是引人发笑。我不明白的是你既然不会英文,英文不好,又何必装着你会,给别人翻译呢~就算你是用机器翻译的,至少有点道德心,在底下注上\"这是机器翻译的\"也可以啊~大部分问问题的人就是自己不会翻译才会问的啊~你让他们怎么区分哪个答案最好啊~?总之.那机器翻译的,你们这些人也真是太可悲了。有点道德心,ok?

英语翻译,要人工翻译,不要机器翻译,机器翻译一律不采纳 谢谢。 my friend an i have a lot of similarities and differences.we are of the same age and we both have curly hair.lisa is better at sports than me,and she's also taller,healthier and outgoing than i a.


