谁有有关迪士尼乐园的英文文章,一二百字就可以了。 Disney Co.U.S.entertainment corporation.It was founded by Walt Disney and his brother Roy as Walt Disney Productions in 1929 to incorporate their cartoon animation studio.It produced short and full-length animated cartoons in the 1930s and 1940s,then expanded in the 1950s to make nature documentaries and live-action films as well as television programs.The opening of the amusement parks Disneyland(1955)and Walt Disney World(1971;see Disney World and Disneyland)strengthened the company's dominance of the family entertainment industry in the U.S.The company declined after Disney's death in 1966 but was revitalized under new management in the 1980s.As the Walt Disney Co.it expanded its production units to include Touchstone Pictures and Miramax,makers of films for mature audiences,and revitalized its animation division,producing films such as The Little Mermaid(1989)and Toy Story(1995),the first full-length computer-animated film.The company took an active role in reviving and 。
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