英语翻译 1:this weekend he will attend a meeting.2:we should take an active part in school activities.3:this young boy want to join the sports club?4:we are going to play basketball,would you like to j.这段话用英语怎么说 “如果你愿意加入我们的志愿者团队,和我们一起帮助别人,那么我们欢迎你。希望你 改良版如来下:自 Please join our volunteer group if you are willing to help others with us.We hope that you are an easy-going,kind-hearted and helpful person.纯手百工翻译度,满意知请采纳道!英语翻译 I do interest with everything about natureShe happened to be out when I called herWould you like to jion in our discussion to express your opinion让我们加入讨论吧的英文 让我们加入讨论吧Let's join in the discussion.让我们加入讨论吧Let's join in the discussion.加入我们的讨论 用英语翻译一下 新闻 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 明医 英文 问问 更多? 我要提问 问题分类 特色 搜狗指南 汪仔益民行动 。? 2020SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号英语翻译 We welcome you to join this family,I am very happyI think that you join the Association of is the are interested,would like to further improve their standard of in fact our goal is the same hope in the days ahead to become a good friend to We work together and progress together我提议在这里成立一个英语角,我们可以在这里谈论很多话题,但前提是必须要用英语,我们可以在这里说我们想说的话,和别人交流,从别人的身上学到更多. Come and join us。I suggest that we set up an corner here,so that we may talk about lots of topics,with the prerequisite that everybody must use English.We can express ourselves here and learn from others.我们加入讨论怎么样,迈克?英语翻译 我们加入讨论怎么样,迈克?Mike,how about we join in the discussion?开始的时候我们没有加入他们的讨论的英文 开始的时候我们没有加入他们的讨论We didn't join them at the beginning of the discussion.英语翻译 There was a time when i was getting along well with him.It is the first time that he has agreed to join our dicussion.It is because he takes exercise every day that he has recovered so sooner.I f.
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