英语翻译 My parents are quite strict to me because they are doing education bussiness.I ride to my home immediately after school and arrive at 6;30 everyday.I tend to contact my family if anything happens.Alth.
有任何变化请尽早让我知道用英文怎么说 有任何变化请尽早让我知道。翻译为英文是:Please let me know as soon as possible if there are any changes.注:请提问者尊重回答者付出的知识和劳动,及时采纳答案!
请帮忙翻译1,根据客户订单下达生产指令制。 【翻译制定计划,根据翻译,生产计划单】请帮忙翻译1,根据客户订单下达生产指令制订生产计划、排程。并随时根据情况变化作出合理调整2,负责全厂各工段生产的组织协调3,。
如何用英语翻译(我们总会随时剪的增长而变化的) 我们总会随时剪的增长而变化的We will change with the increase of shear at any time