英语翻译 如果可以的话我会带上你翻译


请大家帮我用英语翻译一下下面的文段,再带上你自己的中文翻译。 Everyone has his or her dream,and pays for efforts and endeavors to create his or her brilliantfuture.每一个人都有属于自己的梦想,都会努力用自己的双手去创造未来。Dream is motivator,which gives you confidence to set targets,gives you courage to fight on and on.有了梦想就等于有了动力,有了坚持下去的信心与拼搏的目标。Many people cannot see their future clearly,neither do they figure out the way when they are lost.Why?Because they have lost their compass taking the way,the right way,towards dreams.很多人对未来感到迷茫,他们经常走失在一个个现实的交叉路口,因为他们的生活没有航标。If one can set up a real and clear target,then reaching dream is just a matter of time.没有一个正确的方向引领他们前进。而如果能定下一个明确而又现实的目标,便可以朝着梦想的方向远航。【NOTE:个人觉得应该以正面积极来写】Nonetheless,target should be tailored,当然,目标必须是适合自己的。neither too easy to accomplish nor too tough to reach.Easy targets always come with over-confidence while tough targets turn 。有没有那种耳机 对方说英文 我带上就可以翻译成中文的 耳机 之前有看到一款时空壶的翻译耳机,和你描述的需求非常接近。就是一人戴一只耳机,你说英文我听到的是中文,我说中文,你听到的是英文。两只耳机实时的互相翻译。它的是机器翻译,不是楼上说的那种背后有人员实时翻译。三个英语翻译1如果你太忙的话,我可以带她去(mind) 2几个孩子在喂鸭子吃面包(feed)3会议的具体日期还没决定(decide) 1如果你太忙的话,我可以带她去:I don`t mind taking her there if you are too busy.2几个孩子在喂鸭子吃面包:some children are feeding the ducks with bread.3会议的具体日期还没决定:the clear date of the.英语翻译 We have fantastic scene here in my hometown.I will take you the the most beautiful park-Yingbin Park(means warm welcome),if you can come.It has perfect mountain and water,which attracts a lot of travellers.In the morning,old people do morning excercise there,while in the evening,pairs of young lovers take walks there.I will guide you there in the day,and in the evening,I will invite you to my house.I can cook delicious Chinese food。And you can have some tasty mooncakes too.How's it?Isn't it marvellous?希望对你有所帮助.中秋节快乐。有一首英文歌翻译过来时 宝贝 我爱你 如果可以的话 我需要你 是什么歌 正确歌词:Baby I love you and I need you if I can,Pardon the way that I stare 《can't take my eyes off you》 歌曲原唱:frankie valli 填 词:Bob Crewe 。粤语方言的翻译 哪找的这一堆,像是啥复合宣言、结婚宣言似的=。打得手都麻痹了,其实心真的更麻痹。整一个河东狮吼的张柏芝经典台词嘛-0-。强烈要求补悬赏分。我快crazy了。整个ORZ。


