英语翻译 1.I ate two apples yesterday.2.We are going to go to travel next week.3.Where did you go on your holiday?I went to guangzhou.4.He plans to go to the zoo tomorrow.5.They are playing football.我们打算到欧洲去旅行几个星期 用英语怎么说 We plan to travel to Europe for several weeks we are going to travel Europe for several weeks. 新闻 网页 微信 知乎 图片 。? 2019SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号英语翻译 What are you going to do tomorrow morning?I'm going to take only two baggages on trip.I'm not going to stay.It's going to snow,isn't it?他告诉我们说他打算去欧洲旅行 英语怎么说 He told us that he was going to travel in Europe.你打算和谁一起去旅游?用英语怎么翻译? 答案是:who are you going to travel with?who will you travel with?手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!你想去哪里旅行,为什么?(用英语回答。) I would like to travel to the United States,because I've always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty.“他们打算徒步去旅行”用英语怎么说 they are going for a hike 或者they plan to travel on foot英语作文假期旅行计划 Holiday is coming.I'm going to with mother and father to go to shenzhen visit the Windows of the world.I prepare and sisters to baiyun mountain.I plan to go to yuexiu park see five-goat statue.We will go to the famous guangzhou restaurant to eat dessert.假期就要来了.我打算和爸爸妈妈一起去深圳参观世界之窗.我准备和姐妹们去白云山.我打算去越秀公园看五羊雕塑.我们还会去著名的广州酒家吃点心.
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