求英语翻译:我们班在上周五讨论“同学生日该送什么礼物”的话题。 讨论我们的礼物英语


用我们的钱帮他们买些礼物(用英语) 提示,一种是use the pocket money to purchase presents for them,we pay for that together

求英语翻译:我们班在上周五讨论“同学生日该送什么礼物”的话题。 讨论我们的礼物英语

请访问我们的网站,来购买特别的礼物英文 请访问我们的网站,来购买特别的礼物Please visit our website to buy special gifts.请访问我们的网站,来购买特别的礼物Please visit our website to buy special gifts.

求英语翻译:我们班在上周五讨论“同学生日该送什么礼物”的话题。 讨论我们的礼物英语


求英语翻译:我们班在上周五讨论“同学生日该送什么礼物”的话题。 讨论我们的礼物英语

为什么在英语中我们把今天称之为Present(礼物)? 我们有着洁白的牙齿 和 对生活感恩的心 呵呵~貌似不笑都说不过去鸟~

谁能给我一篇英语作文题目《礼物》 礼物“老师,我自己走把!“没关系的。老师说着,将我搀扶出了大门。我心中的思绪翻腾不止。我只好慢慢地走着。这是我第一次来看老师。前几天我们的班主任王老师生病了,。

求英语翻译:我们班在上周五讨论“同学生日该送什么礼物”的话题。 60%of the students think going to the store buying the gifts may be better,because the gifts look delicate.In addition,40%of the students think making the gifts by themselves may be better,because it can show their talents.I think that different opinions have their own advantages,depending on their situations.As for me,sincerity is the most important factor.

为了表示我们的感谢 我们有个小礼物要送给您 We have a little gift for you as thank you.

英语翻译 We're really appreciated for the boss'gifts,and our leader team will make efforts to do our jobs better and accomplish all the tasks that the leading staff has assigned us.We'll lead our team to complete all the monthly targets and thanks again for the boss' support。

首先,我们为朋友买一些礼物的英文 首先,我们来为朋源友买一些百礼物First,we buy some gifts for our friends.首先度,我们为朋友问买一些礼物答First,we buy some gifts for our friends.

求英语翻译:我们班在上周五讨论“同学生日该送什么礼物”的话题。 60%of the students think going to the store buying the gifts may be better,because the gifts look delicate.In addition,40%of the students think making the gifts by themselves may be better,.


