

\ be from:来自于2113短语1、be different from 不同5261于;和什么不一样;与什么不同;不同2、be freed from 免受;没有;异国3、be divorced from 毫无瓜葛4102;脱离;毫无关系1653;毫有联系4、be disengaged from work 脱产5、be tired from 因;而疲乏;而厌倦;而疲惫6、be discharged from hospital 出院;是出院的另一种表达7、be far from sp 离某地远;离某地很远;离开某地远的8、be absent from work 旷工9、be exempt from 被免除;得到豁免;免除;免于扩展资料双语例句1、This might be from others who are doing the same thing as you—friends or family,or people in your community.它可能是来自于与你正在做同样的事情的朋友,家人或者你的小区你的人们。2、Some of the stuff you get in Decide will be from Do,namely,stuff that you have to re-decide upon.That’s what I wanted to say with“working both ways”.有些东西,是你从执行之水桶退回来的,也就是说,是需要你重新选择的—这就是为什么我上文提到说用两种方式去工作的原因。3、The facilitator can be from either inside or outside the team,as long as he or she is a 。


\ be from:来自于 短语 1、be different from 不同于;和什么不一样;与什么不同;不同 2、be freed from 免受;没有;异国 3、be divorced from 毫无瓜葛;脱离;。


起源于..英文怎么说? 1、originate fromThis plant was originate from Africa.这种植物原产于亚洲32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333366303665。Because the masquerade is originate from Italy.因为化装舞会起源于意大利。2、stem fromBut if your problems stem from the nature of the work itself,then read on.但是如果你的问题源于工作本身,那么你就继续读下去。3、be derived fromMany words are derived from Latin.许多英语词汇源于拉丁文。This kind of custum can be derived from sixteenth certury.这种风俗自十六世纪沿袭下来。4、spring fromMany of the crises and conflicts that the UNSC confronts spring from either rogue regimes or uncooperative nonstate actors for whom the council's composition is all but irrelevant.安理会面对许多危机和冲突起源于流氓政权或不合作的非国家行为者,对他们来说,安理会的组成无关紧要。Other office secrets spring from the pressures of family life.办公室秘密的另一个来源是家庭生活压力。5、come ofWhatever will come of it,it will not be a pretty sight.无论今后源自什么。


来自于的英文? 来自的英文:come from、hail from。一、come from英[k?m fr?m]美[k?m fr?m]源自;来自某处;出生于;由…造成1、Help may also come from some unexpected places 帮助也可能来自某些意想不到的地方。2、They come from the combatant nations.他们来自各参战国。二、hail from英[heil fr?m]美[hel fr?m]自…来,是(某地方的)人1、The band hail from Glasgow.乐团来自格拉斯哥。2、They hail from all parts of the country.他们来自全国各地。扩展资料询问来自于哪里的英文表达:你从哪里来你从哪里来?我来自中国。我是中国人。2、Where are you from,may I ask?我可以问一下你们是哪儿的人吗?二、Where are you come from你从哪里来;你来自哪里;你是哪里人如今简历更侧重你要去哪里以及你能够提供些什么,而非你来自哪里。

源于的英语翻译 源于用英语怎么说

你来自于哪里英文两种说法 Where are you from?Where do you come from?

