有耐心和责任感的人英文 英语翻译


用英文形容一个人很有责任感怎么说? 英文形容责任2113感的单词比较单一5261,一般只用responsible。responsible:读作[r??spɑ:ns?bl],意思是,负有4102责任1653的;尽责的;承担责任;懂道理的,形容词属性。responsibility:读作[r??spɑ:ns??b?l?ti],意思是,责任;职责;负责任;责任感,责任心,名词属性。造句:1、他们希望自己的工作能够逐步培养起孩子们的一种责任感。They hope that their work will instil a sense of responsibility in children2、她是个充满爱心、有责任感的母亲、妻子和老师。She's a responsible mother,wife and teacher full of love3、尽管他有缺点,他还是很有责任心的。In spite of his shortcomings,he is responsible.扩展资料近义词1、conscientious:[?kɑ:n?i?en??s],意思是,认真负责的;本着良心的;谨慎的;正大光明,形容词。2、duty:[?du:ti],意思是,义务;职责,责任;职责或工作;税收,名词属性。反义词1、irresponsible:[??r??spɑ:ns?bl],意思是,不负责任的;不可靠的,缺乏责任心;[法律]无责任能力的;无需对更高一级权力负责的,形容词。2、unconscientious:[???kɑ:n?i?en??s],意思是,却反责任心,不负责的,不。

有耐心和责任感的人英文 英语翻译

求各位大神帮忙英语翻译全篇:大家好,我叫XXX,今年21岁。是个诚恳有责任心、有爱心、耐心的人。在校期 Hello,everybody,my name is XXX,21 years old this year.A sincere sense of responsibility,love,patience.In school,I paid great attention to the comprehensive development to develop their own interests,so that addition to the good at the piano,painting and paper cutting,also singing,dancing,and will communicate.I also paid attention to focus on knowledge learning to develop their own high sense of morality,no bad habits and behavior.The most important thing is I love children,very welcomed by the children,and a good way to communicate with the exchange,so can the profession of qualified kindergarten teachers.

有耐心和责任感的人英文 英语翻译

英语翻译 Solid,earnest,loyal and trustworthy,strong implementationPatience and meticulous attention to detail and a strong sense of responsibilityPeople with sincerity and the ability to work with other people and have excellent communication skillsReacted swiftly and keen observation,analysis and the ability to judge thingsStrong organizational ability and team spirit,good at,be willing to sacrifice

有耐心和责任感的人英文 英语翻译

英语翻译 I am thinking of upward mobility,a sense of responsibility,love,patience,the ability to accept,affinity,and has a good team spirit.Learning has always 。

英语翻译 1,I am a very patient,responsibility,doing things very carefully.Compressive ability.2,although I don't have relevant working experience,but I believe that with positive work attitude,seeks for advice modestly posture,will get the job done.3,I carefully looked at the introduction of your company,your company's corporate culture is consistent with my values.


善于与人交流合作,有很强的责任心,细心,有耐心. 善于与人交流合作I am a team player with good command of communication skills.有很强的责任心,细心,有耐心With a strong sense of responsibility,I am detail-oriented and patient.喜欢有始有终Once I take up.

我具有很强的责任心,对待工作认真负责用英文怎么说? I'm working hard and be responsible for work.(这么翻更像是英语)

英文作文 幼儿园教师的爱心耐心责任心

他做事很有很有责任心 英语怎么说? 1.他做事很有很有责任心。He does everything very responsibly.2.他缺乏责任心。He lacks a sense of responsibility.


