我们去做外国的交换生呢 英语作文 如下:我们去外国做交换生 先认识校园 然后一起参观 并做好记录 还有认识一些外国朋友
写一篇外国交换生来中国在餐桌上吃饭应该注意的事的英语作文 Table manners in Chinese life and order in the full possession of avery important position,they believe,eating is not only way to meettheir basic physiological needs method-is also of paramountimportance social experience.To this end,grasp the knowledge of therules in some Chinese restaurants have become particularly important,whether you are a master,or merely a guest,must have some rules
外国交换生在中国的英语作文80词左右 I have been three for a year,as you knowthat I am a exchangestudent.Everytihing is strangethanks to my teachers and friends' help,i have leant much.In the past few years I have been in the school club,we have leant from each other,and helped from each other.When I had problems they always helped me.And also I have been to mang places in interest such as The Great Wall,The Summer palace,Tian'an quarter and so on.
英语作文:假如你叫李华,一个外国交换生John将要住进你家,请以李华的名义给John发一封E-mail,告诉他有关情况,要求如下 Dear Jack One of my friend gets ill.I'll send him to the hospital,so I can't take part in the weekend party,so don't wait for me and hope all of you have a good。
写一篇关于外国人来中国做交换生 你写信给他建议的英语作文 朋友相处是一种相互认可,相互仰慕,相互欣赏、相互感知的过程.对方的优点、长处、亮点、美感,都会映在你脑海,尽收眼底,哪怕是朋友一点点的可贵,也会成为你向上的能量,成为你终身受益的动力和源泉.朋友的智慧、知识、能力、激情,是吸引你靠近的磁力和力量.同时你的一切也是朋友认识和感知你的过程.朋友是一种相契.朋友就是彼此一种心灵的感应,是一种心照不宣的感悟.你的举手投足,一颦一笑,一言一行,哪怕是一个眼神、一个动作、一个背影、一个回眸,朋友都会心领神会,不需要彼此的解释,不需要多言,不需要废话,不需要张扬,都会心心相印的.那是一种最温柔、最惬意、最畅快、最美好的意境.朋友是一种相伴.