我的房间好了吗的英文怎么翻译成英文翻译 请你打扫一下你的房间,好吗?用英语怎么翻译?


我的房间比你的房间大两倍(三种) 用英文怎么翻译?急!!! My room is three times bigger than yoursMy room is three times as big as yoursYour room is three times smaller than mine<;br/>;希望对你有所。我的房间比你的房间大两倍(三种) 用英文怎么翻译?急!!! 有以下三种说法: 1、My room is twice bigger than yours. 2、My room is two times larger than yours. 3、My room is two sizes of yours. 单词解析 。我的房间很漂亮怎么翻译成英文 My room is very beautiful.My room is very pretty.I have a very beautiful room.(我有个很漂亮的房间)我打扫了我的房间 英文翻译到底是什么? 我看了三个版本的翻译 1、I cleaned my room 2、I have cleaned my room 3、I had cleaned my room 这三个句子到底哪一个才是对的啊?我感觉好像都是对的。。英语翻译 Let me go homeMay I help you to move this box into your room?She persuaded me not to go to the cinema.We'll meet his special needs as much as possible.Which bag do you want,the new one or the old one?I met him several days ago.He forgot writing it down.Do you believe that monkeys can acquire the knowledge as people do?


