如果下周有空我将去野餐怎么翻? 把我肯定要去野餐翻译成英语


英语翻译 我的决对正确1.连词成句I like cities where people are friendy.2.你指的是昨天买的那个吗?Do you mean the one that you bought yesterday?3.他们正在寻找地方留宿.they are looking for place to stay.4.他们把行李打好了包就动身了.They packed the luggages and left.5.他决定地二天去野餐.He decide to have a picnic the next day.6.昆明的天气应该是非常热的.The weather in Kunming is supposed to be very hot.

如果下周有空我将去野餐怎么翻? 把我肯定要去野餐翻译成英语

明天是否去野餐得看天气用英语怎么说 It depends on the wheater,if we go for picnic or not.<;br/>;If we go for a picnic depends on the weather.

如果下周有空我将去野餐怎么翻? 把我肯定要去野餐翻译成英语

翻译几个句子。1.十点了,让我们去上美术课吧。2.我们所有的课都在下午4点结束。3.你肯定他明天会去野餐吗?4.这周末去购物怎样?5.此后我们上两个小时的音乐课。6.她最喜欢什么花? 1 it's ten o'clock.Let's go to the art class.2 All of our classes end at 4 pm3 Are you sure that he will go to picnic tomorrow?4 How about going to shopping this weekend?5 We are going to have 2 hours music lesson.6 What is her favorite flower?

如果下周有空我将去野餐怎么翻? 把我肯定要去野餐翻译成英语


我想和我朋友一起去野餐用英语怎么说? I would like to have picnic with my firends

我和我的朋友将会去野餐用英语怎么说? 这都是将来时的说法, 第一种可以说:I'm going on a picnic with my friends. 第二种可说:I will go on a picnic with my friends. 谢谢采纳!

我打算和朋友去野餐用英语怎样说 I am going to go picnic with my friends.

英语翻译 明天我会把书还给图书馆Tomorrow I will take the book to the library我打算每天都写日记I'm going to write a diary every day这块手表花了我300元.The watch cost me 300 yuan.他花了大量时间学英语He spent a lot of time to learn 如果明天不下雨,我们就去野餐If it doesn't rain tomorrow,we'll have a picnic我早起床是为了按时到校I got up early so as to get to school on time


