
关于大学生课余生活的调查报告 在如今的大学校园里,属于大学生们自由支配的时间越来越多了。于是,我不禁要问:大学生们在课余时间都在做些什么?他们是如何点缀和丰富自己的课余生活的?学习?工作?诳街?上网?大学生是校园文化建设的主体,营造一个活跃、向上、丰富的文化气氛,有利于学生身心健康发展。然而,随着社会竞争的日益加剧,学生面临着来自校园内外的多重压力,课业负担繁重。如何充分利用自己四年的大学课余时间,发展自己的个性,培养技能,增长知识,修养身心,使自己的综合素质有所提高,圆满的度过自己的大学生活,这是我们必须思考的问题。近日,针对大学生课余时间活动这个话题。了解我校同学的课余活动状况,我展开了对我校大一大二各专业的200名学生的调查(其中大一:110人,大二:90人)这次调查,我采取了任意抽样问卷调查,主要调查了大学生课余活动的内容。现在,结合一项专项调查结果,对我校学生课余活动情况进行对比分析。一、课余活动内容取向概况根据一项专项调查,从中可以看出大学生在参加课余活动方面存在内容上的不同取向。在给出课余活动的12个选项之后,大学生作出了如下的选择。体育锻炼 11%校系活动和工作 13%聊天、社交 19%课余学习 21%阅读课外书刊... 关于大学生课外生活的英语作文 My After Class Activities I have many hobbies.And after class I usually attend many kinds of activies. My favourate activity is playing basketball.During this game,on one hand,I can build up my body,make many new friends and,above all,I can learn to coorperate with my teamates.This,I think,will do good to me after I grow up and when I work with others.On the other hand,I can learn many skills and also can help myself to be cablabe to bare hardship and solve difficulties.Though every time when I finish this game,I am black and white.I will go on playing it the other day. I also like playing chess.I think it is a very good game.By playing chess,I can not only learn to think of the right way to deal with all different matters,but also learn to contral myself.When the situation is good,In a word,from all these activities,I have learned a lot and I believe It will help me a lot and I will go on with it 大学生应该如何安排自己课余生活? 大学校园课余生活丰富多彩。除了日常的学习外,还有各种各样的讲座、社团活动、学术报告、文娱活动等等。这些活动对于新生来说的确是眼花缭乱。如果完全按兴趣去安排则随意性太大,很难有效地利用学校的有利环境和资源。所以必须安排好课余时间。要合理安排课余时间,首先要对自己在近期内的活动有个理智的分析。看看自己近期内要达到哪些目标,然后做出最好的时间安排,并且在执行计划中不断地修正和发展。最好是制订一份专门的休闲计划,使休闲和学习两者有条不紊地进行,使身心得以放松和调适。其次,还要留出适当的时间进行体育锻炼,在学习中穿插锻炼,学习的效果会更好。此外,还可以利用课余时间阅读一些自己感兴趣的书籍,以读书为乐,既可排忧解烦,愉悦性情,又可获取知识,增长智慧。进入大学仅是新征程的新起点,需要学习的东西还有许多,未来的路还很长,安排好课余生活是值得我们认真思索的,唯有今天高效率的多积累、多储蓄各种知识,以后无论你涉身于任何领域才能游刃有余、得心应手。 “我的大学课余生活”英语作文怎么写? 当我写这一篇文章时,我已经是×大学的一名学生了,在即将入学之际,我站在大学的开头,展望一下大学四年的学习和生活,希望我的大学能够如预期一般充实而有意义。大一:打... 帮忙写篇英语作文 我的大学课余生活 Spending spare time is the critical part during daily life,even though you are an extremely important person with bussiness moment everyday.Spare time or less take a certain part of your whole stage,knowing how to spend it is really an art.Indeed,knowing how to spend time on work or study leads to the success,but knowing how to spend spare time after work and study makes you a complete person with special charming characteristics and kind temper,also it can beautify your dreary life. Up to now,I have been struggling on the edge of finding a favirate way to spend my spare time,but without any harvest.When I am in the relax days,I donot know what should I do,what can bring me with happiness and relaxation.Every time after such days,I feel even tired and grieved.The common way I spend such days is watching movie,playing PC games.All such things are not waht I really want to do,but I donot get another meaningful thing other than these.This is a tragedy,a tragedy of wasting ... 英语翻译 My college life is going to the end,next period of my whole life is to take part in the society activities.When i was in my college for four years,i always reminded me of improving my abilities,kept. 大学生如何安排课余生活英语作文 How to spend the spare time as a college student Generally speaking,spare time,especially two-day weekends,are not only a time for us college students to relax,but also a time to improve ourselves.To test from a week’s hard work,we have plenty of recreation opportunities.We can read to our hearts’content,can go sightseeing,and can play games with our friends.Some students find parttime jobs at weekends so that they can ease their families’financial burdens. However,some students are just wasting their time.Some spend their time playing cards,and even drinking and eating with their friends.Some spend the whole weekend going traveling and feel tired when they return to school,so that their studies will be greatly affected. As a student,I think the first thing I should do is to go over the lessons.Spending two or three hours in going over lessons every weekend will give me great returns.After finishing my schoolwork,I can do many other things,for example,mountain climbing,... 英语作文1.我的业余生活(就是大学的课外娱乐活动等)120个词左右。谢谢了,。 Ilivetherearemanyamateurcontent,andsome,likeyou,andyoudonotlikesome.Iwouldliketoknowtheamateurlife?Iintroducedittoyou!我的业余生活有许许多多的内容,有的和你们一样,有的和你们不一样。想了解我的业余生. 求两个大学生讨论课外活动的一段英语对话 Doing tonight?Eveningwatching movieswith friends.Watch movies?Peoplein the embarrassing wayWould look good?Should have a goodlaugh.Thenwewent to seeit?All right. 关于大学生课外生活的英语作文 My After Class Activities I have many hobbies.And after class I usually attend many kinds of activies.My favourate activity is playing basketball.During this game,on one hand,I can build up my bod.


