英语翻译 1.List pricing,bid,bidding evaluation,effect and influence of quantities2 The promulgation and implementation of这个固定词条拿不准(GB50500-2003)marks a significant reform in the construction costs and evaluation mode of our country,which will have a huge impact on the construction costs,bidding,tender offer and management of construction enterprises and so on,and at the same time bring abour new problems to the evaluation of the bid.The present on-trial bidding of quantities is restricted by current situations in promotion.Therefore,to do well in the control of tender-stage construction cost,we should continuously learn the relative konwledge,change our mind,adjust to the reform of the cost and construction system,and along with the deepening of the reform in construction cost management,consistently blaze the trail and the exploration in this field.招标准备工作包括 1、完成招标前的准备工作,首先要研究招标策略,确定招标方式和范围,进而明确任务和目标,责任要落实到机构和人。收集整理招标物资计划:需要招标项目的规格型号、技术要求、交货日期地点、交货条件等信息然后申请办理招标审批手续。2、招标人内部的立项审批等工作。编制招标有关文件包括招标准备阶段应编制好招标过程中可能涉及的文件,包括资格预审文件、招标公告、招标文件正文等。扩展资料:1、工程建设项目的招标是一项涉及技术、经济、法律等方面的综合工作。为了获得满意和最优化结果,大中型建设项目,应由建设单位的主管部门主持,由建设单位、设计单位、建设银行、预算定额审定部门组成领导小组,做为领导、决策权力机构。招标前,要组建招标的专门办事机构,指定单位的代理人,以便统筹整个招标工作和履行法律手续。2、这种方式是在货物、工程和服务的采购行为中,招标人通过事先公布的采购要求,吸引众多的投标人按照同等条件进行平等竞争。3、按照规定程序并组织技术、经济和法律等方面专家对众多的投标人进行综合评审,从中择优选定项目的中标人的行为过程。其实质是以较低的价格获得最优的货物、工程和服务。参考资料来源:-招标前准备工作。英语翻译 人工翻译,麻烦审阅The storage area of Warehouse A is smaller,the average monthly Ex-warehouse quantity is about 200 pieces only,and the average monthly delivery quantity is not even and stable,from January to February 2011 even the zero supply situation appeared.When the contact signed the minthly delivery quantity for single trunck is 100 pieces.The storage are of Warehouse B is smaller,the average monthly Ex-warehouse quantity is about 200 pieces only.The delivery quantity for single trunck is smaller,10-30 pieces.Both the warehouse contracts for Warehouse A and B were established in 2011,and no price increase demand is raised at present,this means the contrct can be signed on the basis of the market price of a year ago.According to the analysis on the basis of current market price,if rebidding in the form of tender,it will be difficult to break the market price of a year ago,and there is the risk of price increasing.英语翻译 Due to the big construction project construction investment with a long cycle characteristics such as to the importance of the construction project decision-making,the decision is correct or not to the project's construction success or failure play a key role in the whole process of construction projects throughout the project cost estimation,be project feasibility study stage financial analysis and economic evaluation is an important basis but China's current engineering budgeting method speed slow and the time required for long,can not meet the needs of the bidding,therefore,the author in this paper based on the theory of fuzzy mathematics,USES the exponential smoothing,the introduction of cost index,establish a model in order to make the result close to the actual cost in theory,we to model is improved,that is,through the establishment of project cost evaluation index system,using fuzzy ensemble.累死了.根据招标答疑,我公司的投标报价…… 这个“招标答疑”用英语怎么说? 一般的招标,答疑是以“Questions and Answers”代表。比较正规的大型招标,答疑是会自动变成“附件”,英语是“Tender Addendum”根据招标答疑,我公司的投标报价…。招标师的英文怎么说? 招标师英文译为:Tenderer高级招标师英文译为:Senior Tenderer招标师工作职责1)编制招标采购计划、方案、招标采购公告、招标资格预审文件,组织投标资格审查2)组织招标文件和合同文本(其中技术规范、工程量清单由其他专业技术人员为主编制),组织现场踏勘、开标和评标活动3)主持或协助合同谈判并参与签订合同4)采用其他方式组织采购活动5)参与招标采购活动结算和验收6)解决招标活动及合同履行中的争议纠纷招标代理是做什么工作的? 1、策划和制定招标方2113案和协助办理5261相关核准手续,包括编制和发布4102资格预审公告和招标公告、1653资格预审文件、协助招标人组织资格评审、编制发售招标文件。2、组织潜在投标人现场踏勘和答疑、澄清、组织开标。3、配合招标人组建评标委员会、协助评标委员会完成评标与评标报告、协助评标委员会推荐中标候选人并办理中标候选人公示。4、协助招标人定标、发出中标通知书并办理中标结果公告、协助招标人签订中标合同。5、协助招标人向招投标监督部门办理有关招标投标情况报告。6、处理投标人和其他利害关系人提出的异议、配合监督部门调查违法行为。7、招标人委托的其它咨询服务工作。拓展资料:招标代理一般是指具备相关资质的招标代理机构(公司)按照相关法律规定,受招标人的委托或授权办理招标事宜的行为。招标代理机构是帮助不具有编制招标文件和组织评标能力的招标人选择能力强和资信好的投标人,以保证工程项目的顺利实施和建设目标的实现。招标代理机构,是社会中介组织,与行政机关和其他国家机关不得存在隶属关系或其他利益关系,否则,就会形成政企不分,会对其他代理机构构成不公平待遇。参考资料::招标代理电子招标工程量清单为发发布是什么意思? 都是招标用文件,一个没控制价(工程量清单),一个有控制价(招标控制价),投标时有招标控制价的,不能超过控制价。所谓控制价,是发包方怕投标方暗地操作,联合起来抬价。英语能力对于土木工程行业的学生来说重要吗? 本人现在处于本科土木工程专业二年级这个阶段。本人英语基础一直不是很好,这个阶段我对于要不要花时间提…招标控制价——这个词怎么翻译成英语?在线等,我是土木专业的学生,在线等 Controlled bidding price.Manipulated bidding price.Regulated bidding price.任何一个都可以。
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