求10篇英语作文80词 第一篇:Student Life(学生生活2113)Speaking of my student life,it's very interesting.Besides studying,we have many parties at our school for special festivals.Of course,we must study many subjects at school and do homework every day.I receive instructions from my teachers and discuss problems with them.Although sometimes we have many exams in our student life,it can be good for us.Everyone hates exams,but it helps us realize how much we've learned from school.Just enjoy your student life.It goes by fast.第二篇:Let’s Remove Drunk Driving(消除酒5261醉驾车)4102Drunk driving is big problem we must work out.Because it is not good for our society.To solve this problem,I came up with many ideas,we could fine drunk drivers much money.Second,we must make signs reminding people that it is wrong to drink and drive.Finally,we can promulgate the drunk driver’s name.People always care about their honor,so it will be a very useful way to stop them from drunk driving.第三篇。
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