觀光英語翻譯 英语翻译


英语翻译 1.I want to go sightseeing in Hawaii.2.I'm going to Italy next month.3.I'm leaving for city from country.

觀光英語翻譯 英语翻译

英语翻译 一、慕思生态观光园“慕思”最好照汉语拼音译为 Musi 或按英语拼写习惯谐音 MoonCy,或者意译为Yearn(向往)、Linger(流连)或其他类似意思,或者半谐音半意译为 Moon-Yearn.名字翻译宜于简单明了,避免.

觀光英語翻譯 英语翻译

去观光 游览 英文翻译 Go sightseeing

觀光英語翻譯 英语翻译

\ Sightseeling Holiday

“观光”这个词用英语怎么说 观光_翻译观光[词典]tour;visit;go sightseeing;look around;look round;[例句]我在桂林盘桓了几天,观光了名胜。I spent a couple of days sight-seeing in Guilin.sightseeing_翻译sightseeing 英[?sa?tsi:??]美[?sa?t?si??]n.观光,游览;[例句]A sightseeing tour of the city is included to help you get your bearings

去观光旅游英文翻译 go travelinggo touringgo to visitgo sightseeing(*_^)

英语翻译 go sports campingthe vacation planrest at homenect weekleave forhave fungive sb sthshow sb sthreturn to schoolgo sightseeing by bikego sightseeinggo for a walkgo fishingrent DVDs:)

英语翻译 Cruise itself is one that can travel the world tourist boat,it can allow passengers to enjoy the fun and foreign tourism,tourist industry or by ship company through measure-taking fee to attract tourists and operation of tourists.Namely,from the means of transport for people to pursue joy,but the behavior,general in the same port cargo and back to port.With the use of and tourists traveling cruise liner,travel has formed a huge market.That luxury,high-grade,comfortable cruise also started by young people.As with all kinds of advanced equipment on a cruise ship and increase the content,cruise has transcended the pure transportation means,but become tourism,tourist facilities passenger.South Korea for three humble,have the cruise tour destination.But so far,Korea failed to fully exert geographical advantages.Therefore,the development of tourism in sea area,South Korea cruise industry tourism competitiveness is an inevitable choice.How can make cruise industry development 。

英语翻译:旅游观光 旅游观光 To go sightseeing for journeyPrague Square is a good place to go sightseeing for journey.

英语翻译 1 go sightseeing2 decide to do sth3 set off(或者leave for)4 go back to 5 go for a walk6 take into account(或者 take sth into consideration)7 head for(some place)8 different matters(或者 different.

