自便英语词组是什么? 自便的英语短语


请自便,随便吃英语短语 help oneself(to sth)请自便;随便吃(…)Help yourself,please.help yourself 再看看别人怎么说的。

自便英语词组是什么? 自便的英语短语

请自便,用英语怎么说 help yourself;make yourself at home

自便英语词组是什么? 自便的英语短语

问几个英文短语,会英语的帮帮忙咯 1.Everything is OK或者Everything will be ok。意思是什么都可以,随便,语气平和。(help yourself一般是主人对客人说的,意思是别拘谨。这里完全不符合语境)2.as you wish。有点生气,随便你!3.whatever you want 或者whatever.前者用得多一些这些都是比较地道的美国口语的表达方式,美国电影中有很多。其中第2条,在《绿光森林》中立威廉曾经说过。如果你对这些感兴趣,可以买本俚语书看看。4.let you be 随心所欲

自便英语词组是什么? 自便的英语短语

\ suit yourself什么时候用呢?比如说你请别人去吃饭,他说他已经跟人越好去健身这时候用suit yourself就是说随便你,你去吧的意思当你想在两者或更多选择中抉择的时候,就是its up to youIt depends to you是指事情后果取决于你whatever就是 对方做陈述你不想听下去的说法

自便英语词组是什么? help yourself(to sth.)用作招呼客人吃东西时的客套话,其意为“请随便吃”“请吃”.如:Help yourself to the fruit.吃点水果吧.Help yourself,Mr Green.格林先生,请随便吃.Help yourself to the fish.请吃鱼.Make yourself at home,and help yourself to anything you like.请不要拘束,喜欢吃什么就吃什么.2.表示客气答应请求,其意为“请自便”“请随意”.如:A:Do you think I could use your dictionary?我可以用你的词典吗?B:Yes,help yourself.可以,自已拿吧.A:Can I have a drink?我可以喝杯酒吗?B:Help yourself.请自己倒.

请自便,随便吃英语短语 help oneself(to sth)请自便;随便吃(…)

英语短语10句 introduce b to awhat happend?help yourself to eat some fruteso many foodprepare forI'm afraid for.thank you for your helpreceived his letter

请自便用英语怎么说 Help yourself.You are ad lib here.请自便,在这里你不受限制.Suit yourself,but I had hoeped that you would come and help.请自便,不过我曾希望过你能来帮忙.When Bob insisted on going,John left him to himself.鲍勃一定要走,约翰便听其自便了,You is free to come and go as you please.你来去自便.

请自便的英语单词怎么读 请自便help yourself;make yourself at home;[例句]吃什么请自便。Help yourself to some chow

自便英语词组是什么? suit yourself

