腾出英语怎么说s 英语翻译


腾出的英文s开头的 没找到s开头的腾出[词典]vacate;clear;empty;make way;vacation;[例句]她在百忙中为我腾出了时间。She had made time for me in the midst of her busy schedule

腾出英语怎么说s 英语翻译

腾出的英文s开头 “No,”exclaimed Joe,with as much f

腾出英语怎么说s 英语翻译

腾出空间用英文有哪几种说法make space 还有啥 为什么不好用make s。 腾出空间用英文有哪几种说法make space 还有啥 为什么不好用make s.腾出空间用英文有哪几种说法make space 还有啥 为什么不好用make space make area make space=create 。

腾出英语怎么说s 英语翻译

几个英语问题 1 保龄球道 2 空间站 3 与…为敌 4 credit card 5 squeeze time 6 使大吃一惊,哑然失色,使目瞪口呆 7 had no 8()9 talk 10 upset 11 same 12 are13 gift(翻译:在17岁生日的第一个下雪天,他收到的礼物是一个生.

英语翻译 We'd better for wild animals make spaceZhalong is the world's most famous one of the wetlandWe need people to take measures to help the birdsIn other parts of the world have red-crowned lifeThrough study birds number of change,we can understand their survival circumstanceThe teacher at living in a small mountain villageOur school each instructor provides a computerWe'd like to know to play computer gamesThere will be a heavy rain todayThe government wanted everyone to protect birds

英语翻译 1、他六点钟才来.1,six o'clock he came.2、他的文章登在昨天的报上.2,his article appeared in yesterday's newspaper.3、我觉得你是对的.3,I think you are right.4、许多旧房正在拆掉,以便给新建筑腾出地方.4,many old houses are removed,in order to make room for new buildings.5、不能把这些书带出室外.5,can't take these books out of the room.6、没有人在昨天的事故中受伤.6,no one was injured in the accident yesterday.7、你的计划遭老板拒绝了吗?7,your plan is the boss rejected?8、该机构没有违规,但也没有很负责任地操作8,the agency is not illegal,but also there is no responsible operation9、在发展中国家,人口大量涌进拥挤的城市.9,in the developing countries,large population swarmed into the crowded city.10、批评,纠正别人时,我会采取礼貌克制的态度,就像被批评、纠正的人是自己一样.10,criticism,correct someone,I will take the polite restraint,like being criticized,corrected the man is his own.

你能给我的钢琴腾出空间吗用英语怎么说?他很可能准时到那儿用英语怎么说 Can you please make room for my piano?It's very possible he will be there on time.猫迷英语专家团提供【Real.American.English.】

英文翻译谢谢.为了腾出更多的空间,我们必须把冰箱的上半层清空. To clear space,we have to empty the 1st half of the refrigerator.

6S全部英文是什么? 6S就是整理(SEIRI)、整顿(SEITON)、清扫(SEISO)、清洁(SEIKETSU)、素养(SHITSUKE)、安全(SECURITY)六个项目,因均以“S”开头,简称6S。


