被消费者英语 消费者,顾客的英语单词是什么?


英语翻译 As modern consumers have developed and become mature,effectiveness of traditional marketing become and low,but reputation as a low cost,effective marketing is attracting all company's approvement and recognition for its infectivity and influence.Reputaion has become a marketing tool and as one of the most important way to influence consumer's judge and shopping behavior,with rapid development of Internet and E-commerce which make reputaion spread wider,faster and got the appreciation of companies.The paper summerize the meaning of reputation,introduce the meaning and uniqueness of reputation,analyse the advantage and disadvantage of net reputation and point out some problems to apply net reputation and application of strategy.At last,the paper based on Taobao network anylised the practical use of net reputation and I hope this will give you some advices and reference.刚才打的急,请把reputation都改成public praise

被消费者英语 消费者,顾客的英语单词是什么?

英语作文 成为一个绿色消费者如题 60-80字 需要通俗易懂 不要抄袭 好的话加分 A Composition of Protect Our Environment-Taking good care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,You can do something around your neighbourhood.it's our duty to keep our envi.

被消费者英语 消费者,顾客的英语单词是什么?

消费者,顾客的英语单词是什么? 美洲多用Client,欧洲多用Customer 或者Buyer。祝你学习进步!

被消费者英语 消费者,顾客的英语单词是什么?

英语翻译 论消费者的隐私权摘要:消费者隐私权不断被侵犯的事实使得消费者隐私权的保护备受关注,但在我国法律中没有将隐私权作为一项独立的人格权,使得在实践中消费者隐私权无法得到有效地保护.本文分五个部分对消费者隐私权的.

消费者用英文怎么说 consumer英文发音:[k?n?sju?m?(r)]中文释义:n.消费者;顾客;用户例句:The consumer is getting screwed by cover charges as well.这名消费者也被诈取了服务费。短语:1、consumer goods 生活消费品,日用消费品2、consumer demand 消费需求;消费者的要求3、consumer electronics 消费性电子产品;家用电子产品4、consumer spending 消费性开支;消费者开销5、consumer market 消费者市场扩展资料consumer的同根词:1、consumption英文发音:[k?n's?m(p)?(?)n]中文释义:n.消费;消耗;肺痨例句:But how,in the meantime,should we approach our personal consumption?但同时,我们应该如何处理个人消费问题呢?2、consumable英文发音:[k?n'sju?m?b(?)l]中文释义:adj.供消耗的,可消费的例句:The system uses waste water and non-consumable household matter and delivers food in return.该系统使用废水和非消耗品的家庭问题,并提供粮食的回报。

