翻译:下面关于数字图像处理段落 数字图像处理 翻译


翻译:下面关于数字图像处理段落 We also try other values ranging from 2 to 12 for a between feature 1 and 3 at a step of 0.1 for every validation image.我们还为每个确认的图象以0.1的步进、针对特征1到3 之间,尝试从2到12的其他值范围修正。We find that the best results are achieved with a around 3 and 5,and the quantitative difference is trivial at a 0.001 scale.我们发现在3到5周围达到最佳结果,且数量差异细微到0.001范围。What’s the P2PME of feature 1 and feature 3 in Fig.7 can be viewed as the results when a becomes extremely small and extremely large,respectively.还有,图示7中的特征1和3的P2PME可以分别显示当变化趋于极小和极大时的结果。These two extremes yield obviously worse results than the reasonable range of alpha.So our hypothesis for a also holds in practice.这两个极端结果明显较差于alpha的合理范围。因此我们的假设也只是个对实践的把握。With the same way as(Wei and Yeung,2007),we also draw a histogram to show correlation coefficients Rexl;xhT between the reconstructed weight vectors xl for low-resolution 。

求翻译,数字图像处理 自适应直方图均衡化:在图像处理中,图像增强技术对于提高图像的质量起着其重要作用。它通过有选择的强调图像中的某些信息而抑制另外一些信息,以改善图像的视觉效果,将原图像转换成另外一种更加适合于人眼观察和计算机分析处理的形式。传统的图像灰度增强方法通过增大灰度级别的间距来达到增加图像灰度对比度的目的。当图像所占用的灰度级别个数非常少时,传统方法就不能达到预期的增强效果了。小波多分辨分析由于它能多尺度多角度提取信号特征,往往可在不同尺度上噪声和信号明显地区分开来,所以它在图像去噪和增强方面有很大优势。本文提出的基于小波技术的梯度增强方法的基础上,通过增加灰度数量和增强图像的灰度对比度,取得了较好的增强效果。针对不同特点的图像采用相应的图像增强方法可以达到较好的增强效果。实验结果表明,本文提出的改进方法对于某些图像取得了比传统的增强方法更好的效果。

作业:翻译下面关于数字图像处理的段落 For each test image from validation set,a quantitative measure p,called patch to patch mean error(henceforth P2PME),is applied to evaluate the reconstruction quality.对于从确认的那批图象中选出的测试图象,我们用一个量化的测量标准 p,叫做碎片之间的平均误差(后文简称P2PME),来评价其重构质量。By averaging all distances between reconstructed and true high-resolution patches,the P2PME p is formulated as follows:通过将重构和真正高分辨图象碎片之间的差距平均化,P2PME p用以下公式表示:where bYi denotes the ith patch recovered and Yi its corresponding ground truth.bYiejT and YiejT are the jth points in the respective patches with S S points.P denotes the total number of patches.其中bYi表示所包含的ith碎片,Yi表示其相应的真实部分。bYiejT 和 YiejT是带S S点分数的各自碎片的jth 分数。P表示碎片总数。An advantage using Eq.(6)is that p works on a patch scale rather than pixel scale,so that it can reflect exactly about the recovery quality of patch based super-resolution,before 。



翻译下面英文 关于数字图像处理 在这个试验中,当我们使用邻域嵌入算法的时候,我们想要结合质量和特征点评估这种算法对高分辨图象的影响。根据弗里曼等人(2002年)的观点,我们也尝试接近一个在本地信息(即规范亮度)和寻找相容的临近信息(即一阶梯度特征)之间的合理的加权因子。在pi和pj这两种小块之间距离的措施被定义为DistGrad1和DistNormL分别代表在pi和pj之间Euclidean的一阶梯度距离和pi和pj之间的规范化亮度。这两个特征向量的权重因子被近似的设为4。推理的详细内容在补充材料里面而且这个假设也在多次实验所显示的结果证明。为了独立的找出相结合的特征的贡献,我们在这部分实验中没有应用其他的改进意见。取而代之的是应用了精确的程序和SRNE算法原先使用一阶和二阶梯度结合得出的参数作为特征值做出的以下三个评价翻的好辛苦。全手工的,分不给我以后不给你翻了

数字图像处理翻译内容 Image enhancement improves the quality of an image and converts it into a suitable one for human eye and computer analysis through selective emphasis and filtration of certain information.It's an important part of the course of digital image processing.In this paper,histogram enhancement,frequency enhancement,smooth filtering and edge detection are conducted under GUI in Matlab to the images provided in the laboratory course of digital image processing.The interface is well-designed and can be applied to the laboratory course of digital image processing.

数字图像处理英文翻译 4.so we must set the threshold based on many heuristic attempts in an unknown range. 1.Rakesh 等人提出了基于整幅 图像 的统计和边缘点跟踪的阈值 2.Kim 等人提出一。


