这个周末我打算去公园英语 星期天我打算去公园拍照.英语翻译



这个周末我打算去公园英语 星期天我打算去公园拍照.英语翻译

周末我们打算去公园英语 We prepare to visit the park on the weekend,We are going to the park on the weekend,

这个周末我打算去公园英语 星期天我打算去公园拍照.英语翻译

星期天我打算去公园拍照.英语翻译 你好!星期天我打算去公园拍照I'm going to the park to take pictures on Sunday.

这个周末我打算去公园英语 星期天我打算去公园拍照.英语翻译

这个周末我打算去公园用英语怎么? I'm going to the park this weekend.

这个周末我们打算去野餐,这句话用英语怎么翻译? We want to have picnics in Sunday.

英语翻译 Today is the weekend,I intend to fishing and friends went to a park,so after lunch I had a few friends around to fishing,parks weekend fishing people really ah,I and my friends are fishing for beginners,Watching those masters of their catch one after another,we have two fishing has less than one afternoon to catch a 32,but we are very happy

明天我打算和妈妈去公园,在周日我们经常去那。英文怎么写? 共3 Mom and I plan to go to the park tomorrow,on Sunday we often go there 他妈妈明天打算带他去公园 his mother is going to take him to 。

这周日我打算去公园玩,翻译成英文 This Sunday I'm going to go to the park to play


