authorware随机抽取选择题下载 期末口语考试试题已出,随机抽取一题回答1分钟,求答案,字数至少要能讲1分钟,答得好重赏!


求一个可以自己输入、更改和删除试题的软件,随机抽出多少题来进行考试,做完后能自动给出分数的软件。 优考试。我们可以用word或者Excel大批量导入试题,也支持增、删、改;题库可以分类管理,然后根据你的需要,随机抽题组卷考试;客观题自动判分完全没有问题,主观题也可以按关键字去给分,可以做到考后立刻出分。性价比方面也不用担心,实惠。何如制作制作一个随机抽取试题库中的试题的软件啊、急需一个 、 能加Q详谈就最好了 首先确定题库有没有?word中如何随机抽取题? word无法产生随机数,需要通过excel协助。办法是,1.先把选择题变成表格一列。当然是批量处理,因为没有提供样本,随便举个例子附后。2.选择全文,文本转换为表格,列数设置为1,分隔符为段落3.在表格左边插入一个空白列。4.在excel中用=RAND()函数产生随机数,填充到相应的行,复制粘贴到wrod空白列,排序。根据所要的数量选出测试题。如果要更直观地获得所要的选择题数量,可以再增加一个空白列,选择这一列,自动编号即可。5.删除随机数那一列,再通过逆向转换成文本和替换为原格式,生成选择题。例子:111.sgfsdfgA B C112.sdfgdsfgdsfhgA B C D111.sgfsdfg/A B C/112.sdfgdsfgdsfhg/AB C D/查找:^13替换为:/勾选使用通配符查找:/([0-9]{1,}.)替换为:^p\\1勾选使用通配符逆向替换:查找:/替换为:^p有谁知道教师资格证考试的试题是随机抽取还是已经出好的一套? 教师资格证考试都是准备好的试题,然后考生在统一的时间内参加考试。期末口语考试试题已出,随机抽取一题回答1分钟,求答案,字数至少要能讲1分钟,答得好重赏。 1.The happiest time for me at university is the time I spend in the library.Because I love reading and there are many useful books there.I can find some rare materials for my major study and also i can read some short stories for fun and relax.The environment is great.I love spending time in the library.That is the happiest time for me.2.Sorry but i am not satisfied with the present accommodations.So first of all,I hope the dorm is not too far from the teaching building areas and the dining hall.Second,i hope we can choose to live alone or share the dorm with classmates.Third,the dorm is too hot in the summer.Maybe we can have a fan or airconditioner in the dorm.That maybe is too much to ask but i really think so.3.There are many activities i like to take part in.For example,in the summer holiday,i will travel to the beach and have a good time there.I swim and play with the sand.As for winter holidays,i will go skiing.I love to ski,when i am skiiing i feel i was flying.Other 。优考试可以随机从1000道题抽取100道 试题吗?每个人考试的试卷都不一样? 可以的!首先优考试有三种组百卷的方法。度一,随机从题库中抽取固定数量的题。每份试卷中知的试题都不一样,二、添加一定道数量的题目到试卷,题目顺序随机,亦可答案顺序随机。三、手内动从题库中选择试题到试卷,顺容序固定。


