这些话用英语怎么说?最好告诉我为什么这么说 1 we go to school at 7 every day2 he is sleeping in the bedroom3 have you ever been to the Beihai Park?4 what did he do yesterday?5 does he get up early every day?6 Xiao Ming's mother went to Bei Jing.
现在让我告诉你我怎样去上学英文 Now let me tell you how to go to school.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck。
你告诉我你怎么去上学用英语怎么说 你告诉我你怎么去上学Can you tell me how do you go to school?
你能解释一下昨天你为什么没来上学吗?用英语怎么说,会的告诉下,初二下英语,好人在哪里 can you explain why you didn't come to school yesterday?
你在哪里上学用英语怎么说? 1.Where do you study in?2.Where are you studying in3.可以4.可以
你告诉我你怎么去上学用英语怎么说 Just tell me how you usually go to school.