以前和现在 用英语怎么表达? 以前:before现在:nowWe did it like that before.But we do it like this now.以前我们那样做,现在我们这样做.
汉译英:他反映相当慢,像老年痴呆似的. 他反应相当慢,像老年痴呆似的His reaction rather slowly,It seems like he has senile dementia
在学习上英语问题 既然你的英语老师对你们不是很上心,那就只能靠你自己的努力了.你要知道,有些事情,不是只能凭兴趣做的.你现在所能做的,就是努力在她的教学中发现一些闪光点,有价值的东西.并。
英语翻译 Alan talked about Tibet as if he had been there before.Our head teacher treats us as though we were her own children.We all think highly of her.
她对我就像我是个小孩子似的的英文翻译用as if she treated me as if i were a little child.为您推荐: She treats me as if I were a child. she treated me as if i were a little child.
英语翻译 我的想法是,在他们困难的时候要给他们以援助.My thought is that we should aid them when they are needed=我们系有必要再建一个计算机中心 It is nece.