如果种在肥沃的土壤里英语 Grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子


土壤肥沃用英语怎么说 可以用以下说法:rich soilfertile soilfertilegroundfertile territories例句:它们zhidao生长时喜欢肥沃土壤和水分,但不喜打扰。They enjoy rich soil and moisture when growing,but dislike disturbance.语言自身播下变化的种子内,而社会环境赋予它成长和容传播的肥沃土壤。Language sows its own seeds of change;social context gives it the fertile ground to grow and spread.

如果种在肥沃的土壤里英语 Grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子

种植大豆真的能使土壤肥沃吗?有什么依据? 问题:种豆肥田的问题。这个问题,我在高中生物课就学过,为此还拔出大豆看过,确实有小瘤子。后来,成了农民了,就结合所学知识明白了其中的道理。其实题主问的有点窄,豆类几乎都有肥田的功效,如大豆,蚕豆,碗豆,绿豆,菜豆,扁豆等,它们都有一特点,就是根部爱和根瘤菌结亲,而根瘤菌是一种有益菌,它从豆类的根毛侵入根内,在里面吃喝,它的房子就是些大小不同的小瘤子,可别小瞧了它,它可以将空气中的氮专化为含氮化合物,供豆类生长,作为回报呢,豆类允许它从根中吸收水份和营养供根瘤菌活。那根瘤菌肥田的原理是什么呢?就是根瘤菌的固氮作用,它制造的氮不仅供豆类作物用,而且还分泌一些含氮的有机物进入了土内,脱落的房子也留在了土内,这就增加了土壤的肥力。现在发现,不仅豆类有这功能,大麦,玉米,黑麦,三叶草等都有,所以说,作物轮作好处多,少用肥但产量高,要想富,地里开个杂货铺,说滴就是它!好,欢迎评论?关注,同您一起分享化肥农药的那些事儿!

如果种在肥沃的土壤里英语 Grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子

英语翻译 1、许多肥沃的土地变成了沙漠.A lot of rich land(has)(changed)(into)(desert).2、砍树对环境会造成很大的伤害.(Cutting)(down)trees(does)great(harm)(to)the environment.3、多么糟糕的天气啊。由于沙尘暴,我什么也看不见.(What)bad(weather)。I(can't)(see)(anything)(because)(of)the sandstorms.4、尽管他很累了,但他仍然继续工作.(Although)he is(tired),he still(goes)(on)(working).5、树能阻止风吹走沙土.(stop,from,blow,away)Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.6、我们应该制定法律来阻止水污染.(pass,against)We can pass the law against water pollution.

如果种在肥沃的土壤里英语 Grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子

地大物博、土壤肥沃、河流密布的英文翻译 Bounteous地大物博The soil is fertile土壤肥沃The rivers are densely covered河流密布

英语翻译 The Pangbei city is Vesuvius south side close neighbour,this city reason owns the rich soil that the volcano presents me with but that products is rich and fertile,Pangbei fits on in A.D.in 79,is an.


英语翻译 because 1 New Zealand belong to temperate climates,and is located in the southern ocean.Therefore the rain during the same period,abundant precipitation,heat 2 fertile 3 and sparsely populated The.

Grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子 Grown及物动词,种植Grown in rich soil是过去分词短语作条件状语=If seeds are grown in rich soil.grow 不及物动词,成长

英语翻译 In order to make the soil fertile,I suggest that you should use the organic methods instead of using chemicals.There are several organic methods,such as,firstly,it is a good way to keep soil fertil.

我们怎么判断什么样的土壤最肥沃? 一般来说黑色的 比较湿润的土壤比较肥沃


