请把下面的英文谚语改一下 1.If he is given an inch,he will then take a mile.2.If he is early to bed and early to rise,a man will be healthy,wealthy and wise.3.If they help themselves,god will help them.4.If he does not act,heaven will not help the man.5.If no pain,there will be no gain.
用if句型翻译,得寸进尺,早睡早起精神百倍,自助者天相助 得寸进尺:If you give him an inch and he'll take an ell.早睡早起,精神百倍:If I go to bed early and wake up early,I can be very robust.自助者天相助:If a man who helps himself,the god will help you.自.
在羊角岛酒店入住是一种怎样的体验? 原文地址:http:// blog.renren.com/blog/34 0017832/926971465?bfrom=01020110200 《朝鲜!朝鲜!第一次写游记,写成流水账了真不好意思呢坑爹的人人等我写完预览发现排版。
我是初中英语老师,怎么去教一群完全不想学英语的学生? 我教的是初中生,这群孩子的背景是:父母都是外来打工者,根本无暇顾及他们的学习,也没有能力顾及,英语…
请把下面的英文谚语改一下 1.If he is given an inch,he will then take a mile.2.If he is early to bed and early to rise,a man will be healthy,wealthy and wise.3.If they help themselves,god will help them.4.If he does not act,hea.