求翻译,要正确答案,不要有道等翻译软件翻译! 本文进行的是定性研究翻译


大神帮忙翻译一下 摘 要本文简单介绍了几种统计预测方法的应用研究,主要分为定性预测以及定量预测。分别介绍了定性和定量预测法的原理、优缺点应用等。。

求翻译,要正确答案,不要有道等翻译软件翻译! 本文进行的是定性研究翻译


求翻译,要正确答案,不要有道等翻译软件翻译! 本文进行的是定性研究翻译

外文题目翻译(THE CULTURE OF JOYRIDING IN QUEENSLAND: THE OFFENDERS PERSPECTIVE)这句话 昆士兰盗车驾驶文化:由当事人的角度(作者名)(JCU大学)摘要近期澳大利亚车辆盗窃案的剧增引起了更多的社会关注。失窃汽车有很大部分都是被青少年盗走而为joyride之用。(为一时的交通需要或非功利性目的而盗窃车辆驾驶)。本文内容的依据是一项为期两年的定性研究结果,该研究调查了青少年参与盗车驾驶行为文化的动机。此项目研究结果中表明有大量的各类因素,涉及到种族、社会阶层、性别等领域。根据一整套教育课程以及“汽车计划”实行的实例,文章最后得出一系列针对减少此类犯罪行为的干预政策。

求翻译,要正确答案,不要有道等翻译软件翻译! 本文进行的是定性研究翻译

帮忙翻译成英语,非常感谢 Kono port engineering project is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Zhu River channel reconstruction project in one of the main building.The project main project is the transformation of Zhu River waterway,as well as ancillary service facilities,the construction of Juye Hong Kong,the main construction contents of waterway,port engineering and bridge engineering.Among them,the port project is intended to Zhu River on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal from the office building 51.00M Juye Hong Kong.This port around the Kono project to project risk management-related theory,by integrating theory with practice,a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods and many other projects Juye port risk assessment and countermeasures research.Expert survey method used to present the various possibilities for project risk identification,classification.At the same time this paper,a\"multi-level fuzzy analysis method\"to measure risk,the method is AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation 。

数学翻译 什么意思?翻译什么?This paper is aimed at functions,function and a series of parameter improper integral uniform convergence of discriminate method to make a brief summary.There are many important mathematical analysis of elementary function is through the function series and definition of parameter improper integral.We.If you can,under certain conditions will function to form into a series of qualitative research or actual operation bring great convenience?In these areas,the uniform convergence concepts play an important role.Because,discriminate functions,function and a series of parameter improper integral.We uniform convergence is research foundation of many mathematical problems.This article mainly divided into the following several parts.The first part is mainly expounds some basic concepts,including the concept of parameter improper integral,the various concepts and the uniform convergence in the concept of need.The second part is in uniform convergence conditions 。

日语翻译。翻译机免进。真的没有财富值了,帮帮忙吧,好心人 报废汽车回收业是个庞大而复杂的行业,尽管本文试图从实际和理论上对报废汽车回收展开全面研究,但由于数据、资料及本人能力的限制,本文大部分内容是集中在定性分析的基础上,进行理论介绍与分析,缺乏相应的定量分析。廃弃车回収业では巨体的な复雑の业界であって、本文は実际と理论からできるだけで廃弃车の回収について、全面的に研究していて、しかしデータや资料及び本人の能力の制限影响により、本文の大体的な内容は定性的な分析に基づいて、理论の说明や分析に集中していて、相対的な定量分析を足りなかったと思う。此外,因实际情况所限,开展实际调研及获得相关数据存在很大难度,本文建立的报废汽车回收体系和评价指标体系还存在不完善的地方,许多方面还需要在今后的研究和实践中进一步改进和探索。そのほか、実际的な状况の制限によって、実际的な调査及び研究を展开することにより関连データを得ることが极めに困难であって、また、本文の発案した廃弃车回収システムや评価指标システムは不完全な部分が存在している、よって、今后は、それぞれの方面には研究や実际中での改善や探求することが必要となる。说在后面:估计您是日语专业的、就不。



请求翻译 To be listed finances is again the market economy realizes the resources optimization disposition function important way,moderate financing is the stock market financing function long-term plays the role effectively the important premise.But in the real life,our country To be listed displays excessively“the financing hunger thirsty sickness”,specially again is financing in the market,has some evil intentions to finance again the behavior,because To be listed when carries on finances again by chance stockholder's rights financing,universal existence“circle money”impulsion,and changes the fund to go to as well as the fund at will is taken by the major stockholder and so on phenomena to be serious,these behaviors twisted our country stock market financing function seriously,cut the fund use efficiency and the resources deployment efficiency,has disturbed our country stock market optimize allocation of resources function display.this article through uses the qualitative 。

求翻译,拒绝翻译器。 最后一段:这些是很有趣和很重要的问题需要在未来研究中解决,我们希望这初步的学习将会得到鼓励营销人员去参与这迷人的研究领域.呼~前3段好有难度的说!


