斯芬克斯的英文是什么 司芬克斯英文


希腊神话中斯芬克斯的英文介绍 The sphinx was originated from the ancient Egyptian mythology,originally described as a long winged monster,usually for males.There are three kinds of the legend sphinx-lion face Androsphinx,sheep head lion Criosphinx holy(Oman),the gryphon Hieracosphinx body.The assyrians and persians described the sphinx is a winged bulls,long face,beard,wearing a crown.In Greek mythology,it is a female sphinx evil thing in the world,representing the punishment of god.\"Sphinx\"comes from the Greek\"Sphiggein\",which means\"tension\",because the greeks Sphinx as a monster will grab people to death.In Greek mythology,Hera sent sphinx sitting in thebe city,near the cliff stopped passing pedestrians,taught riddle asked them in Muse,guess miss will be eaten by it,the riddle is:\"what animal walked on four legs in the morning,walk with two legs at noon and three legs in the evening walk?Leg up,it was he who walk the slowest,the strength of the weak.\"The bottom pass guessed the right answer,the answer is\"man\"。.

斯芬克斯的英文是什么 司芬克斯英文

求《俄狄浦斯王》里,斯芬克斯谜语的英文原文. First think of the person who lives in disguise,Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.Next,tell me what’s always the last thing to mend,The middle of middle and end of the end?And finally give me the sound often heard during the search for a hard-to-find work.Now string them together,and answer me this,Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?

斯芬克斯的英文是什么 司芬克斯英文

“斯芬克斯”是什么意思啊? 一般指斯芬克斯之谜 斯芬克司最初源于古埃及的神话,它被描述为长有翅膀的怪,通常为雄性,是“仁慈”和“高贵”的象征,当时的传说中有三种斯芬克司—人面狮身的 。

斯芬克斯的英文是什么 司芬克斯英文

斯芬克斯之密 英文简介 Sphinx\"is the secret of the\"temptation\"and\"threats\"or\"social reality\",who will solve it,\"sphinx\"who died in the feet;Otherwise,who died at the foot of a\"sphinx。Is a classic tale of psychology.

斯芬克斯之谜用英语怎么说 正确原文:Riddle of the Sphinx

斯芬克斯谜语的英文原文.就是“什么东 题目是:求《俄狄浦斯王》里,斯芬克斯谜语的英文原文,“什么东西早上用四条腿走路,中午用俩条腿走路,晚上用三条腿走路。如下:First think of the person who lives in disguise,Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.Next,tell me what’s always the last thing to mend,The middle of middle and end of the end?And finally give me the sound often heard during the search for a hard-to-find work.Now string them together,and answer me this,Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?

谁能帮我想一个英语谜语? 先想想什么是笔刷下美丽的色彩?(art)再告诉我怎么表达最自然的数字?(e)最后告诉我什么是失去了失去的尾端?(mis,因为miss-尾端的s就是mis啦)想了好久呢,你要是想要英文我可以帮你翻译哟~


