做外贸有必要电话跟进国外客户吗?怎么给国外客户电话? 跟进要多和老外打电话吗?打电话要注意些什么?跟进要多和老外打电话吗?打电话要注意些什么?12,161 关注问题 ? 写回答 ? 邀请回答 ? 好问题 0 ? 添加评论 。
英语 NoticeOct.8,2011All students are warmly welcome to the hall of the school building to practice your oral with foreign teachers between 6:00 p.m—8:00 p.m everyday.Student Association Propaganda Department
函授大专毕业要考试么 大约几月份 什么时候发毕业证 需要考试。只要符合报读院校的有关规定,就可以申请学位证书,不过必须要通过学位英语考试,其他学科成绩也要达到一定的标准和要求。2年学习时间,半年写毕业论文及申请。
100分.写一篇英语作文. 都考完了才写好有什么用?
根据所给中英文信息完成应用文 POSTERAn club is waiting for you。Our school decided to have an club which will be held next Wednesday.It will be held in the hall of the school building.It will start at 6:00pm And it will end at 8:00pm.There will be a free talk and a party with foreign teachers.I hope all of you can join the club.We should speak as much as possible.Don’t miss the chance to practice Students’UnionMay 30th
民办函授大专和公办函授大专有什么区别?国家承认学历吗?请详细解释,谢谢! 一、民办函授大专和公办函授大专有3点不同:1、两者的含金量不同:(1)民办专科证书在国家学信网查不到,对于以后升职,考公务员,加薪等都是不好用,但如果你要是进一些。