你在屋里找什么呢 用英语怎么写 有时间我去找你玩 英语怎么说?


“你住在哪里? “用英语怎么说?“ 你家有什么人?“ 用英语怎么说? 你住在哪里:Where do you live?你家有什么人:What about your family?迈克想要找一个法国笔友:Mike wants to find a French pen friends.我想找一个笔友:I want to find a pen friend.最后一个具体是问哪个,追加问

你在找谁?》用英语怎样写? Who are you looking for?

用英语怎么说\ 给你打电话的不一定是找人的吧?所以我觉得还是省事一点,说hello,what can I do for you?or can I help you?算是个万全之策了

有时间我去找你玩 英语怎么说? If I have time,I will look for you and play together.If I am free,I will look for you and play together.If I have time,I will visit you and play together.还有好多种

一般怎么用地道的英语说:你找我有什么事情吗? what do you want me for?美国外教老跟我说的 英国的不知道.还可以说what do you want me to do for you?

你可以找一个会说英语的人过来吗 用英语怎么说

你在找我吗?英文怎么写? 你在找我吗?英文是:Are you looking for me?句子用了现在进行时态,表示寻找的过程。详细解释:look for 英[luk f?:]美[l?k f?r][词典]寻找(某人或某物);口>;找(麻烦);找(苦头)吃;希望得到;[例句]You could look for a career abroad where environmental jobs are better paid and secure你可以在国外找一份工作,那里与环境相关的工作报酬更高,也更稳定。me 英[mi]美[mi]pron.(人称代词I的宾格)我;n.自我;自我的一部分;极端自私的人;[音乐]固定唱法时的E音;[例句]I had to make important decisions that would affect me for the rest of my life.我不得不作出将影响我后半生的重大决定。

你的卧室里有什么?用英语怎么写 What's in your bedroom?

“请问有什么事”用英文怎么说? what is up?who is that?什么事,你谁啊.
