这是我们的菜单 请看一下 英文翻译 你好这边菜单看一下用英语讲


英语翻译 1 This is our brochure.Please have a look.2 This way,please.

英语翻译1.我可以看看菜单吗 我可以看看菜单吗?翻译成英文是:May I have the menu?相关单词学习:menu 英[?menju:]美[?m?nju,?menju]n.菜单;菜,菜肴;[例句]A waiter offered him the menu一个服务生给他送上了菜单。[其他]复数:menus满意请采纳,谢谢!

英语翻译 Welcome to the dumpling shop。We have two types of special dumplings todayLet's have a look at the menu and order some food and drinksI don't like hamburgers or French fries,I'd like a small pizza with some tomatoes

不是单纯的翻译,是应用,老师要求我们制作英文菜单,我还差价格那一块不知道怎么办 the price on the menu


英语翻译 ofile of a restaurant:class presentation)Owner:Hello everybody and welcome to my restaurant,Our shop have.Please join me below to read the menu.(The first guests came.

请先看一下菜单 翻译成英语 Please look over the menu 看菜单不是专注地看,是翻阅浏览,应该用look over而不是look at,see就更不可能了,是看到的意思,难道是请你看到一下菜单?如有疑问,欢迎追问~

国外旅游看不懂英文菜单真是醉了,求西餐英文菜单大全? 国外的菜单全是英文又没图片,求英文大全啊宝贝们。这里以Subway快餐店举例: 首先是面包类: 一般而言有6种面包可以选择: Italian 白面包 Italian Herb and Cheese 。


英语翻译 1 Hello,I would like to ask a few?2.I would like to ask you your meal points?3.If you are the main points of the meal,please refer to the menu you like,I can not remember them easily,because my is not good?4.Just look at trouble spots you food?5.Yes Please wait.6,the final wish you have fun Oh,welcome to the next concept Pro


