求一篇英语作文《我的大学新生活》80字左右 新的一页作文大学


求一篇英语作文《我的大学新生活》80字左右 Title:《我的大学新生活》My New College LifeAfter a long hard battle against the national senior high school leaving examination,I finally obtained victory and entered the school of my dream,*University.In the first fews days here,everything appeared new and fresh to me,the school has a totally different learning environment compared to senior high school where everyone was merely immersed in exams everyday,but here in college,students are relaxed and are able to enjoy the fun of learning rather than being tortured by practice papers everyday.And the best of all,I got to know many new friends here who are willing to show me around and help me to get to used to the new college life.Everything appears really cool and I really enjoyed this new place a lot.因为是大学,所以语法上变动的多了些,大意为:在经过漫长痛苦的高考战斗后,我终于进入了我梦寐以求的大学,学校名字*。刚来的这几天,一切对我来说都很新鲜,这里的学习氛围与高中时的完全不同,高中时我们每天就是预备考试,可这里大家。

求一篇英语作文《我的大学新生活》80字左右 新的一页作文大学

写大学开学作文 一个漫长的暑假已过去,迎来的是一个美好的秋天。在这丹桂飘香,金秋收获的季节里,新的一学期又开始了,迎着早晨的第一缕阳光,我们来到美丽的大学校园。。

求一篇英语作文《我的大学新生活》80字左右 新的一页作文大学


求一篇英语作文《我的大学新生活》80字左右 新的一页作文大学

作文《新的一页》范文 虽说雁过无痕,岁月无声,白驹过隙的光阴却在生命的每一个空隙不着痕迹的流动。流年的浪花涤荡在渺远的心际,水波涟漪般徐徐荡开,风中花瓣样轻轻飘落。如梭的岁月带着我翻开新的一页—初中生涯。记得那天,风清、云静、天蓝、草绿。寂静的校园只有秋风扫落的响声,一颗颗年轻的心都在紧张地复习着。我却在内心默默地感叹着:“这两点一线的生活,什么时候才能改变啊。回想起小学时的嬉闹,眼望着如今的呆滞,不禁又叹:“考试复考试,考试何其多…”“啊,苍天啊,大地呀,我又考砸了。我幼小的心灵已经经受不住风雨的摧残了。又一次单元考的失利,让我陷入了无限的沉思。“怡,你出来一下。老师叫到。“你这两次怎么了,为什么老是不能考得理想点呢?老师那质问的眼神逼得我满面通红。“我…我不知道。“你啊,最近上课老走神,做事马马虎虎,不求甚解。“老师,可是我已经没有多大的信心了,每次都考砸,同学看我都用异样的目光。“走自己的路,让别人说去吧。每个人都有无限的潜能,只是人家奋力挖掘,而你不肯去动手罢了。你是个秀气、聪明的孩子,我知道你行的,重新找回自我吧!恩?老师相信你。“恩!我与老师击掌为誓,我决定在以后的考试中不断超越自我。。

英语作文“关于大学生活” My new college life is going to start,so i cannot help feeling excited.How many times i have dreamed my beautiful and meaningful university life。When my new life begin,i think the first thing i should do is to focus on my study.i will try my best to learn as many subjects as possible.besides,i think i will take part in some school activities to improve my comprehensive ability,such as communication ability and so on.At the same time,i am supposed to join some student unions or clubs to make my life colorful.I know there are many differences between high schools and universities,so i will change my study habits.in high schools,it is the times of teachers forcing students to study,but in universities,we should arrange all the things by ourselves,so i will study by myself.i will make study plans such as time scheduel or something like that by myself.of course,i will practice myself to be independent.independence is a rather crutial ability for future development,so if there are any。


作为大学新生,开学都有哪些具体的感受呢?以下是小编整理的大学新生开学作文,欢迎参考阅读!大学新生开学作文1 在我踏入这所学院的第天,他便给我留下了深刻的印象,洋溢。


