2016届江西师大附中第一次月考英语试卷 山东师大附中的英语


求山东省山师大附中2012届高三第二次模拟考试英语第二次模拟试题答案? acbac bbbca aabac bbabb cdabc acdbd cbddc bddca dcbad abcbc dacbc aabca cbdcc accac cdadb76.Rules of Internet commucication/Rules we should follow when chatting online.(3分)评分建议:能正确概括文章大意均可得分。需保证含义与参考答案一致,单词拼写无误。77.Because we should treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.(3分)评分建议:能根据文章观点陈述,意义相同或相近即可得分。有语言表达错误,酌情扣分。78.to ask others personal questions(3分)评分建议:根据文章内容,使语句通顺。字体清楚、无拼写、语法错误即可得分。79.I think the basic rule is the best.In real life,we usually want others to be good to us,but we seldom consider our own behavior.评分建议:能根据文章观点陈述,意义相同或相近即可得分。有语言表达错误,酌情扣分。80.We shouldn’t tell strangers online our home address,phone number,bank account or password etc.(3分)

2016届江西师大附中第一次月考英语试卷 山东师大附中的英语

山东师范大学附中英语怎么说 我是附中毕业的,老师交我们是这么说的:the high school attached shandong normal university不论是附小还是附中都要用到attached 这个词,是附属连系的意思。

2016届江西师大附中第一次月考英语试卷 山东师大附中的英语


2016届江西师大附中第一次月考英语试卷 山东师大附中的英语


师大附中复读班 你是哪里的,福州的?我是福建师大附中高一的,有听到老师提起过复读班,好像还可以的样子


2016届江西师大附中第一次月考英语试卷 I、ADCDCCDCABII、1.In a hospital.2.Forabout three days.3.Fast food.4.3/Three.III 1.How can I help you?What’s wrong with you 2.Did yousleep well last night 3.How long haveyou been like this 4.there is nofever 5.I’ll give you some medicineIV.1.I’ve been like this 2.I’ve caught a cold 3.I always spend two hours practicing 4.Let me take his temperature 5.told me to stop eating fast foodV、1.D 2.C 3.A 5.BVI、1.No one has discovered any life 2.we have already sent them 3.but she has never been 4.I saw him showing the foreignvisitors aroundVII、阅 1.In 1961.2.It sent the first space station intospace.3.A space station.4.Until the late 1980s.5.The history of space stations and whatthe life in space stations is like.VIII、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.AIX、Scientiststhink that there has been life on earth for hundreds of millions of years.Seven other planets go around the sun like the earth.However,none of them hasan environment like that of the earth.So scientists do not 。


