你应该把牛奶和鸡蛋混合起来英文 面粉鸡蛋牛奶来做煎饼该怎么配?


鸡蛋与牛奶能不能同时一起煮 最好不要把牛奶和鸡蛋一起煮着吃。因为牛奶在煮沸后蛋白质变性,损失很大,鸡蛋需要煮熟才容易消化吸收并且能杀死鸡蛋中的细菌等。这样两种不同的温度要求,对两种食物来说。

你应该把牛奶和鸡蛋混合起来英文 面粉鸡蛋牛奶来做煎饼该怎么配?

英语翻译 mix sth withfill sth withbe covered byput sth onit's time for sb to do stha spoon of sugaradd tototaladd up tpdig a holepour milk into blender

你应该把牛奶和鸡蛋混合起来英文 面粉鸡蛋牛奶来做煎饼该怎么配?


你应该把牛奶和鸡蛋混合起来英文 面粉鸡蛋牛奶来做煎饼该怎么配?

英语翻译 1.First,mix the flour with appropriate amount of water,put a little yeast and knead it into dough.2.After 2 hours,use a rolling pin to roll out the dough into a round cake with proper thickness.3.Chop some leek,omelette,noodle made from sweet tomato starch into small pieces,put some salt and sesame oil and stir.The mixture so obtained is to serve as the stuffing.4.Put the stuffing onto the round flat cake,fold it up and pinch it tight clockwise.

首先,把鸡蛋和少许的水混合起来英译 首先,把鸡蛋和少许的水混合起来First,mix in egg and a little water


鸡蛋和牛奶能混在一起冲着喝吗? 可以,以下是鸡蛋牛奶一起吃的做法。主料:鸡蛋1个、牛奶120克辅料:糖少许步骤:1、鸡蛋的蛋黄、蛋白分开2、把蛋白抽至起泡,待用3、蛋黄搅拌均匀4、小煮锅内加入牛奶、蛋黄和白糖,糖不要多,用手指捏一点即可5、放到炉灶上小火煮6、煮开后搅动,用微火煮3分钟左右7、用勺子一勺一勺地把调好的蛋白放入牛奶蛋黄锅内8、在搅动煮1分钟即可9、成品

用英语写出下列短语。 1.an teacher 2.a small egg3.two new armchairs 4.some milk5.five sandwiches 6.beef and pork7.school things 8.four maths classes9.eight red balloons 10.a long pencil11.forty cups 12.fifty-two students13.a Chinese book 14.music and art

英语翻译 1.put the egg and sugar together in the bowl and then mix them up 2.please put the books in order3.you should add some sugar to the milk4.he found the shop finally5.put the meat when the water is boi.

翻译 你需要把牛奶和鸡蛋混合在一起 You need to ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ mix the milk and egg


