英语翻译 洛克菲勒大厦中英文简介


英语翻译 Well-known modern buildings.The United Nations was founded in San Francisco in 1945,shouldbe invited to the United States Congress decided to headquarters in the United States.Site in 1946,the United States J.Small Rockefeller financed the purchase of Manhattan Island,the East River shore of a large block relative to gifts received by the United Nations General Assembly resolution,gradually addressing New York.Established in 1947 by internationally renowned architects(including China Professor Liang Sicheng)composed of the design committee to design a total charge of man-made American Institute of Architects WK Harrison.Building covers an area of 7.2 hectares.Center for the City Hall,for the use of United Nations General Assembly.Design,few Member States,according to long-term membership of 80 representatives of Member States,and every five people,five consultants for consideration,and setting up a special observer seats and 300 VIP seats,press seats 320 audience seats 1,000.Lobby 。

英语翻译 洛克菲勒大厦中英文简介

纽约英文介绍 纽约2113英文介绍:New York City,located on the Atlantic coast of southeastern New York State,is the largest city and port in the United States and one of the largest cities in the world.It is also known as\"Port Nuremen\"together with London,England and Hong Kong,China.In November 2018,New York was named Alpha+as the world's first-tier city by GaWC.New York also has a huge influence in business and finance.New York's financial district,led by Lower Manhattan and Wall Street,is known as the world's financial center.Among the top 500 companies in the world,17 are headquartered in New York.The New York Stock Exchange,the world's second largest stock exchange,was the largest stock exchange until 1996 when its trading volume was overtaken by Nasdaq.New York Times Square,located at the hub of Broadway Theatre District,is known as the\"crossroads of the world\"and one of the centers of the world's entertainment industry.Manhattan's Chinatown is the most dense concentration of Chinese 。

英语翻译 洛克菲勒大厦中英文简介

为什么大家管美国的城市New York叫纽约而不是新约克呢? 就像大家都管周杰伦的新歌叫莫吉托一样是不是因为大家都太没有文化了呢

英语翻译 洛克菲勒大厦中英文简介

有没有人做过互惠生?是一种什么样的经历? 值得吗?学到的和付出的成正比吗?? 好问题 0 11 人赞同了该回答 我曾经在法国做过互惠生,虽然网上有很多对于互惠生的负面评价,但是个人觉得还是挺值得的。。

联合国大厦有多久的历史 联合国总部大楼始建于1947年,1949年10月24日奠基,于1952年落成。到2015年,大楼算有63年历史。联合国总部大楼(亦称联合国大厦,英语:United Nations Headquarters)是联合国总部的所在地,这块领土的所有权已经不属于美国以及任何一国,而是世界上唯一的一块“国际领土”。在美国纽约市曼哈顿区的东侧,可以俯瞰东河。此大楼于1949年和1950年间兴建,土地购自于当时的纽约房地产家威廉·杰肯多夫(William Zeckendorf),面积阔达17英亩(约6.87973公顷)。在此之前,洛克菲勒家族有意提供其在纽约州威斯特彻斯特郡Kykuit的土地,但因距离曼哈顿遥远,便而放弃。之后,纳尔逊·洛克菲勒便协助新的土地的购买,其父小约翰·戴维森·洛克菲勒则捐助了850万美元协助兴建大楼。虽然大楼位在纽约市,但其土地实际为国际领土,其西侧边界为第一大道,南侧为东42街,北侧为东48街,东侧为东河。2006年12月23日,联合国大会通过了名为“基本建设总计划”的决议,决定拨款18.77亿美元来整修联合国总部大楼。

英语翻译过两天要出国 请哪位仁兄帮我翻译几个地名 文氏中国戏院柯达剧场好莱坞环球影城明星大道硅谷金门大桥九曲花街渔人码头白宫国会大厦国家艺术馆林肯纪念堂独立广场独宫自由钟自由女神岛华尔街联合国总部大厦洛克菲勒中心时代广场百老汇大街耶鲁大学西点军校麻省理工大学


