save the earth(拯救地球) 写一篇五句话的英语作文,要求5句话. 拯救地球 英语短语


拯救地球英语作文5句话 1.“它将拯救地球。It will save the planet。3.那么,我们有能力拯救地球吗?So can we afford to save the planet?4.开始素食加入环保拯救地球.Start vegetarian diet save earth environment.5.看上去差不多人人都同意:各国政府如今要在拯救地球和解救经济这二者之间作个选择.Almost everyone seems to agree:governments now face a choice between saving the planet and saving the economy.article.yeeyan.org6.而且拯救地球什么时候变成坏事了?And since when did saving the earth become such a bad thing?7.到2015年我们能拯救地球吗?Can we save the world by 2015?article.yeeyan.org8.建造轻一些的住宅既省钱又能拯救地球.Building lighter can save money and the planet.9.地球工程真的可以拯救地球以抵御气候变化吗?Can geoengineering save the world from climate change?10.山姆魏瓦奇,你拥有拯救地球的关键线索.Sam witwicky,you hold the key to earth's survival.www.kekenet.com11.她还在拯救地球,目前整个一不适应社会的小孩.She's saving the world one maladjusted kid at a time.12.可持续发展的城市能否拯救地球?Could 。

有关保护环境的英语词组 环境保护 environmental protection提高环保意识 enhance the awareness of environmental protection保持生态平衡 maintain ecological balance生态系统 ecosystem生态示范区 ecological demonstration region生态农业 ecoagriculture生态旅游 ecotourism自然保护区 nature reserve可持续发展战略 sustainable development strategy防风防沙林 windbreak and sand break宜人的生活环境 pleasant environment节能 save energy减排 reduce greenhouse gas emissions降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource consumption环保产品 environment—friendly product全球变暖 global warming低碳经济 low carbon economy清洁可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources核能 nuclear energy太阳能 solar energy大功率电器 high-powered electrical appliance二氧化碳 carbon dioxide气候变化 climate change

拯救的英语短语 heal the worldsave the worldgreet the spring with our earth


一句英语翻译 do as we could to save our earth,这样更亲切


拯救地球 的英语怎么写? save the earth

“每个人都应参与到拯救地球的活动中去”的英语翻译怎么写 everyone should take part in the world-saving campaign


