请发给你丈夫的英文 亲爱的小苹果 把你的卡号发给我吧!英文翻译怎么说


亲爱的小苹果 把你的卡号发给我吧!英文翻译怎么说

请发给你丈夫的英文 亲爱的小苹果 把你的卡号发给我吧!英文翻译怎么说

译英文 急 相近的也行 Dear Buyer I sent you the goods were two watches have a receipt to prove,you say on the packaging does not rule out damage to the customs clearance of goods due to human factors in the 12-day stay in.

请发给你丈夫的英文 亲爱的小苹果 把你的卡号发给我吧!英文翻译怎么说

英语翻译 Dear salsa:225DC warehouse workers from 24 has already had a holiday,the remittance,please remit to my word of Chinese people bank accounts.Account a few days agoI sent to you.Because of the Spring Fe.

请发给你丈夫的英文 亲爱的小苹果 把你的卡号发给我吧!英文翻译怎么说

英语翻译 Sorry that I've been busy with the school work these days.Now I'm going to send you the photos.One of them has a single person on it,which is me.Just feel free to ask me if you have any questions.BTW,you are fairly pretty,and your husband has a good sense of humor.

找个英语高手帮忙翻译这段话 谢谢 Honey,I am still waiting for you.I cannot wait you like sitting infront of my pc and waiting your skype profile shaking before.But I am keeping thinking of you.You are my dearest love in my heart.Can.

亲爱的,我想你了英语怎么说? 亲爱的,我想你了的英文:Honey,I miss you.一、Honey 读法 英['h?n?]美['h?ni]n.蜂蜜;宝贝;甜蜜adj.甘美的;蜂蜜似的vt.对…说甜言蜜语;加蜜使甜vi.奉承;说甜言蜜语二、miss 读法 英[m?s]美[m?s]n.女士,小姐,年轻未婚女子vt.错过,想念,缺(勤)短语:miss you so much 真的好想你miss out 错过;遗漏;省略miss out on 错过机会;错失了…向左转|向右转扩展资料miss的用法:1、miss还可表示渴望做到而未做到或无法做到,这时常接动名词作宾语。2、miss的现在分词missing可用作形容词,在句中作定语、表语或宾语补足语。3、miss用作名词时可作“错失,不中,未得”解,也可作“小姐”解,是作“错失,不中”解的miss的同形异源异义词,用于姓名或姓之前,是对未婚或婚姻状况不明的女子的称呼,也可用作选美会上优胜者的头衔,首字母要大写。4、miss还可用于小学生对女教师、顾客对女店员、主人对佣人的称呼。5、miss作为戏谑语可译为“小妞,小姑娘”。6、miss指“错过”时,后面跟动名词,而不是不定式。7、miss或miss out指“漏掉”时,可以指无意的,也可以指故意的。


