物极必反月满则亏 月满则亏 是满则溢怎么翻译?还有物极必反怎么翻译?


下列俗语中与“物极必反”蕴含相同哲理的词语是 ABCD物极必反。? 物极必反(wù jí bì fǎn)英译—Too cold So warm解释-极:尽头。事物发展到极点,会向相反方向转化。出 处 宋·朱熹《近思录》引宋·程颐曰:“如《复卦》言七日来复,其间无不断续,阳已复生,物极必返,其理须如此。【附注】更原始的出处:《吕氏春秋·博志》:“全则必缺,极则必反。《鹖冠子·环流》:“物极则反,命曰环流。有点像喜极而泣水满则溢,月盈则亏,物极必反是什么意思 水满则溢,月盈则亏2113,5261物极必反的意思:比喻事物盛4102到极点就会衰1653落,向相反版的方向转化。水满则溢,出权自清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》,指事物发展到极端就向相反方面变化。月满则亏,水满则溢的意思:月亮圆的时候就开始向缺损转变,水满了就会溢出来。比喻事物盛到极点就会衰落。物极必反,读音是wù jí bì fǎn,指事物发展到极端,会向相反方向转化。扩展资料:水满则溢,月盈则亏,物极必反类似的词语:乐极生悲,喜极而泣。道家哲学,是谓阴阳互动,欲触极则而反。由此循环相生,不熄不灭在其固有法则之中。若遇极而反者,则出。若出者,必须创造出更大的反极才能入。此时,或许空间已有不同。任何事物都是矛盾的统一体,都有矛盾的两方面。当在一定条件下,矛盾的某一方面占统治地位,起决定作用了,事物就呈现出由它所决定而具有的性质。但其中又蕴含着对立面,并会不断经过量的积累,最终占统治地位,使事物走向反面。所谓此消彼长,物盛则衰,是万物发展的一种规律。参考资料:-月满则亏,水满则溢参考资料:-物极必反月满则亏 是满则溢怎么翻译?还有物极必反怎么翻译? 月满则亏 水满则溢The moon waxes only to wane,water brims only to overflow.A full cup must be carried steadily.[谚]器满则溢。(指人在得意时,不要忘乎所以)物极必反too much water drowned the millerEvery extremity is a fault.There are always two sides to a coin直译:when something reaches the extreme it reversesA thing turns into its opposite if pushed too farThings will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme.;A thing turns into its opposite if pushed too far.;Once a certain limit is reached,a change in the opposite direction is inevitable.;Things always reverse themselves after reaching an extreme.;Things go in the opposite direction when they become too extreme.;Things turn into their opposites when they reach the extreme.;Things which have reached their extremes turn into their opposites.;When a thing reaches its limit,it turns round.No extreme will hold longEverything reaches its ultimate will turn the opposite way.

