自行车的各部分用英语怎么说 胎架 翻译




汽车专业英语翻译 请教各位大侠,在汽车悬架及轮胎部分中 bore torque 是什么意思? lever arm有是什么? Bore Torque大概是钻孔扭矩的意思,这要结合上下文看lever arm倒是很清楚—杆臂或者活动臂,比如Steering lever arm就是转向杆臂,

英语翻译 Four,jig management requirements:Jig inspection must be half a day inspection in advance.Jig inspection unqualified not allow into the next process.Must re-examine jig need to be modified.A,segmented planking,laying-out precision control:1.Line principle:1)line measurement principle:from line to the side and from middle to both ends.I.e.,with the center line of the working face is\"0\"point to the left and right sides respectively,with benchmark rib bit line as\"0\"point after forward quantity respectively.2)to process design and welding shrinkage,must,in accordance with the drawings requirements added as the rib and longitudinal spacing,it may not be all on the closed end.3)tape measure requirements:long measuring tape measurement must be used to inspection,and continuous accumulation data volume in each point,short feet intervals are not allowed to use to measure and reduce error accumulation.4)for the plate on the original CNC line,at present are for reference only,all the 。


汽车悬架组成 我主要是要完成这些翻译,如果你能翻译就太好 了 都是些专有名词翻译起来是有点难,不用全译,那前面的专有名词译了就行了,后面的我自己能译,谢谢啦。。

